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>> No.44840644 [View]
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Reisen couldn’t help but wince. She had heard about it, but seeing it was something different. His body really was covered in scars. Many of these are old. Wounds that never properly healed. Caused by blunt force maybe? She’d have to get the doctor’s option. Some of the others were much more recent, she noted to her dismay. A few burn marks from Danmaku, some bruises, and at least one set of bite marks. These seemed to be healing better. The medicine was helping with the recovery, they might even be gone soon. The older ones would need treatment. She look at his arms. As strong as they looked, the scarring was obvious there. It was like someone rained blows down upon them as he shielded himself.

Reisen mouth pulled into a frown. All alone against an abuser, nobody to hear your cries. Your only chance is to run away, but to find yourself trapped in hell again. Something in her heart ached at the thought of it. She gave his body a quick onceover She assumed a certain organ didn’t need her attention seeing as she would have been told if something was off. It certainly seemed fine the few seconds she focused on it. “You can get dressed now. It’s over” Anon squatted down and picked up his robe, dressing himself again.

“Thanks” Anon said. “Is everything alright?”

No. It wasn’t. This man was healthy enough, but he needed treatment. The scars needed to be covered up and he needed to be brought away from here. It was poisoning his soul, slowly and surely. She knew this was the right thing to do. But she was expected to do, and she spoke the only words she could. “Yes, it is. You’re healthy. Congratulations” Before he could even give an answer, Reisen picked her things up and quickly exited the shrine. She headed for the door and went out to the reception area. Ran was still there, waiting.

“So? How did it go?” Ran said, expectation creeping into her voice.

Reisen sighed. She now understood why Ran was so interested in learning any health defects Anon might have had. “He’s healthy enough to continue his duties here. I’m sorry” Ran bowed her head and wrung her hands. “I could see if Eientei could take him in for a in-depth exam but I’m not sure if..”

“No, that’s fine” Ran said. “Thank you for checking in on him”

Without another word, Reisen began the trek back to Eientei.

“Thank you Reisen” Eirin said as she took the list from her servant, reading through the responded she had written down. “He seems healthy enough, and the drugs don’t seem to be having any effect on him. There shouldn’t be a need for any more examinations for a while”

“But all that scar tissue! You could heal it in just a few treatments here, so if you were to bring him over here..” Reisen found herself blurting out.

“Reisen” Eirin said in a tone that she knew too well. The line had been crossed. “He is healthy. I am not making the arrangements to bring a patient here for a cosmetic surgery. We have better uses of our time”

Reisen’s ears dropped, she knew there was no arguing. “Of course, I understand. Are you going to keep supplying the uh, place?” She winced, knowing she was getting dangerously close to sounding disrespectful.

Eirin glanced at Reisen briefly until her gaze returned to the paper “For as long as it is needed. Now, the stockroom needs to cleaned and stock kept. Go do that”

“Of course” Reisen replied as she slumped away, her mind anywhere but the menial task she was assigned to.

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