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>> No.33490217 [View]
File: 1.23 MB, 1200x1200, img_YUZ2TGpEbHdrVElVajhYdGRlaFplY1QwN2ozdVZudk9XYmNSWk13MmlJR2VVZ0FKQyttR2F3PT0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The möbius strip imagery was originally something that DEEN added for their anime adaptation, right? I think Passione has gone one step further with it. Or maybe R07 has grown fond of it and this is all intentional.

Either way. If the universe/loops are connected like a möbius strip, that means the mirrored parts in Gou are just the same universe from an outside observer's perspective, but from the inside a mirror image would be indistinguishable. If you existed on a plane shaped like a möbius strip and went around it once, you would become your mirror image without knowing it. Repeat and you'd be back to original.

This would also mean that the mirror theories are just pointless wankery. It'd be just a visual cue to emphasize the möbiusstrip-like nature of everything. That is, unless it's possible to pinpoint the switching points between mirror and normal world, and ascribe some kind of narrative meaning to it all. Something silly like Rika and Satoko being on the opposite sides and thus having perspectives that are seemingly identical yet actually opposite. You know, with the new ED having their opposite colors in the circular horizon and all that.

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