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>> No.42260089 [View]
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Here me out now
Shortstack ocelomehs
ANGRY shortstack ocelomehs

>> No.42014045 [View]
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Including the aztec ones?

>> No.41155949 [View]
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>Taking a walk through the forest with your Ocelomeh wife a head shorter than you, teasing her on how "cute" you think that is
>There is an extremist Order Squad passing by of 5 high ranking knights
>They lay their eyes on you and begin closing in
>They take a step back after they see your Ocelomeh wife with her Macuahuitl on hand
>You step closer to your jaguar warrior wife and put yourself behind her but is a terrible hiding spot as you tower over her
>She strikes her paw on her waist, signaling you to put your hand on it
>You walk through by holding your wife as the order knights murmur and keep retreating as your wife advances, they know better than to engage against a powerful berserker jaguar warrior
>Some minutes latter she place lays down her weapon and looks smugly at you
>"You can keep hold me longer if you still feel uneasy, that was very "cute" you know? I cant wait to get home so that I can thoroughly enjoy you as I think of how cute you were."
>Heavily blush in embarrassmen as you realize you sought protection from a woman a head shorter than you

>> No.38654365 [View]
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> 26th May, MDXXI Anno Domina Nostri Ilias
> Before the sun even rose I was woken from my sleep by the feel of claws on my neck; as my eyes opened I found myself gazing into the cruel face of the monster who had dishonoured me hours before, crouched over me as though to tear out my throat. In my terror I screamed; as though she thought it a challenge, she roared, her voice twice mine, her teeth like knives. Her appearence struck into me terror beyond all, but even sensing death my manhood strove upwards under its own design, as though desperate that I should leave behind issue before I return to God. As it touched against her quim her eyes shone and she engulfed me with one swing of her hips. Sancta Maria Immaculata, ne'er have I felt close to what I felt in my part at that moment. Though I thought myself empty still from her earlier abuse, her hips had not even met mine 'fore I spent myself within her as I have never before. I felt as though my life itself left me into this demon; and senses slipped from me.

> 27th May, MDXXI Anno Domina Nostri Ilias

> 28th May, MDXXI Anno Domina Nostri Ilias
> You cannot conceive, nor can I, of the appalling strangeness of the mercy of God. Despite my mortal sin, that I had lain with a beast as though a woman, yesterday I was spared the torment of waking - lest, this is what I conclude, as two days' worth of tacos lay in my cell when I woke. Though awake, I could not rise; bruises covered me from my tormentor's lust and cruelty. I climbed as best I could to my knees, and prayed Ave Maria, for hours and hours. Mother of God, forgive me.

> 29th May, MDXXI Anno Domina Nostri Ilias
> At noon today she came for me again. She wore an outfit of green feathers and as much gold as would buy three hundred acres back in Polove. A collar of feathers with leash also she held, her intention plain. I dared not resist to anger her as she affixed it round my neck; though once it constricted around me I found my courage and struggled, earning a claw raked across my chest to draw blood. Clad in rags and chained like a dog I was led from my cell. I was certain I was to die as her sacrifice. But instead I was led from the building out into the bright sun, and my breath left my body as I beheld the jaguars' city. Great pyramids of stone towered over canals and walkways the equal of any in our homeland; and all about prowled the jaguar women, sultry, feral, beautiful, terrible. They wore feathered clothes in all colours, or strips of cloth decorated with beads, or in some cases, nothing at all. They hooted and hollared as I was led through the streets, bruised, bleeding, and burning with shame. My captor stopped to speak with some in their incomprehensible tongue, disregarding me as though not there. In time we came to what must be her dwelling. I quailed at what cannibalism might still await me, as with the door closed she rounded on me with a fierce intensity and grabbed my bruised buttocks, licking her lips as though to consume me. But I cried out in pain from her touch, and to my surprise she relented. I was given a poultice, and she let me be.

> 30th May, MDXXI Anno Domina Nostri Ilias
> Today I was not let be. I was led by my collar from her home into the city. In so doing my heart leapt as I beheld another human! Don Rodrigo Fernandez, of the landing party; his condition as base as mine, slave of another jaguar, but alive, not sacrificed! I cried out to him, but no sooner had the words left my mouth than my leash was yanked and I found myself cast to the floor, my captor's furred foot in the small of my back. Fernandez and his owner were lost to the crowd before I was allowed back up. In time we arrived at a cobbled square, and the cat-demon bade me sit at flat bench. Not realising her depraved intent I did, and she placed herself in between my legs, her claws on my thighs, striped tail taut behind her as though excited. Unconcerned of the throngs around, with her teeth she pulled down my robes and extended her tongue to lick at my manhood! Aghast I made to push her away but my strength was as nothing against hers; then I made to do as I could to conceal her debauchery from the crowd, but she sunk her claws into my thighs as though in threat, so I had to suffer exposing myself as she lapped at my organ like a kitten at its milk. Other jaguars going about their business paused to whoop or applaud. The shame was indescribable, yet still my organ rose under her licks, until it was of a stiffness that she could force it into her throat, growling and slobbering like a feasting whore as she thrust me in and out of her gullet. A small crowd gathered; ere I closed my eyes in humiliation I saw a child-jaguar even began touching her own leaking sex at the sight of my outrage. When my seed erupted as a torrent within her, I heard applause and laughter ripple through our vouyers. As for my tormentor; I knew not that any creature could sneer with a cock in its mouth, but now I do.

>> No.38616842 [View]
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I just have an announcement to make. Ocelomehs have objectively the best waists so far of the entire encyclopedia. Thank you for your time. Grabbing your Ocelomeh's waist is instant erection. Kissing your Ocelomeh's waist is a must. Eating out your Ocelomeh's waist is a duty. Ocelomeh waist grabbing is excempt from the public show of affection rule because #1 that rule is for Ocelomehs, not their husbands #2 it was determined in a very serious council that it was simply inhumane and not possible to ask Ocelomeh husbands to refrain from grabbing the waist, specially as she is walking by, #3 it was been shown in a Sabbath study that feeling the movements of an Ocelomeh's waist deepen the bond between an Ocelomeh and her sacrifice. Indeed, in Ocelomeh society, it is very important that your husband is drooling over your waist.

Thank you for your time.

>> No.37940327 [View]
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I am not sure about Amazons. But with Ocelomehs, the legend says that a properly broken husband is conditioned to such degree, they get instant erections just by seeing her wife place her paw in the handle of her Macuahuitl (the spiky sword). It is so extreme that even during normal conversations or when the Ocelomeh isn't thinking of raping him when she accidentally touches the sword the husband gets horny. His heavy breathing on anticipation on being hit with the pleasure inducing sword and being taken by his wife. A proper Ocelomeh husband will always walk by her side grabbing her delicious waist or clinging to her arm whenever they are walking somewhere.

>> No.37926997 [View]
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>Ocelomeh starts to panic and grabs the man with her paws
>"Im sorry! Oh, it is just this stupid rule that we aren't to show affection in public! I love you! Please stop being sad!"
>The Ocelomeh raise her face to see a Tezcalipoca with her arms crossed and visibly pissed off
>"H-hey. Is there any problem? I wasn't showing any affection in public!"
>The Ocelomeh, being warriors, actually towers over the small Tezcalipoca which are actually petite, Still, like Baphomets, their strenght is insane.
>The Tezcalipoca punches the Ocelomeh in her head
>"You idiot! The no public affection rule means that the man is now allow you to dominate you in public! You are always to take lead! If he hugs you, you hug him harder! If he kiss you, you kiss deeper! It doesn't mean you punish a man for showing exemplary behavior! You combat brutes! Really!"
>The Ocelomeh is shocked, though to be honest, these catgirls were very smart for combat, but quite dumb for anything else.
>"I normally wouldn't do this, but under my authority, your "sacrifice" must be voluntary. This man will be allowed to choose to marry you or being freed."
>Now it was the Ocelomeh looking dejected.
>And so a few hours latter, the Ocelomeh and the man went into an altar. She wore a special outfit covered in feathers that made her look breathtaking. The entire outfit accentuated her beautiful and delicious muscular waist.
>The Ocelomen and the man stood before the altar in front of the Tezcalipoca.
>"Warrior, give up your weapon to the man"
>The Ocelomeh kneels and hands over her Macuahuitl to the man in a robotic way
>"Man, hear me out. This weapon represents the Ocelomeh's strenght. You may choose to give it back to her or throw it away. Give it back to her and you will be choosing to live your life with her, that you want to be protected by her and use that weapon to keep you safe, that you want to produce more warrior offspring with her. Throw it away an-"
>The man immediately hands the weapon back to the jaguar woman. Shocking even the Tezcalipoca.
>"Hu-human. You didn't hear the rest of it, if you throw it away you will gain freedom."
>"I know. I don't want "freedom", I want her."
>The Ocelomeh face up with a teary face to see the smiling man
>"But I made you feel so bad!"
>"Yes, I thought you didn't liked me. But I came to my senses when you said you only did because you thoughts your customs demanded it. Besides, I already had my payback pretending I was going to walk away all this time, didn't I?" Says the man with a wink
>Even the Tezcalipoca couldn't help but let out a giggle
>"Ahem. Human, I am curious. When did you decided you wanted to be with this warrior?"
>"As soon as I saw her!"
>"Well, in that case. I consider you joined. Now, Yaotl, proceed with the sacrifice
>Yaotl raised her weapon to strike her husband. She knew it wouldn't hurt him and only pleasure would follow, he knew it too. But still, after all that happened couldn't bring herself to do it.
>The man not wanting to see his soon to be wife humilliated bowed to the Tezcalipoca
>"Miss priest. Excuse me, I think my warrior wishes to engage in a private sacrifice. Would you grant it?"
>The Tezcalipoca sighed and with a smile said "This is a rare sacrifice, but this was a rare wedding. Yaotl, take this man away to your home and sacrify him, do whatever you please with him.
>The Ocelomeh took the man in her arms almost hugging him as she carried him to her home.

>> No.37249959 [View]
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Ocelomeh, their culture frowns upon PDA so they'd have to use more 'mundane' contact to replicate it. They could pass off having a paw on their husband's shoulder as keeping him on a short leash, or displaying dominance, even when they want to cuddlejump him.

>> No.35620171 [View]
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>Do you really trust your wives to act in your best interests?!

My interest is to be protected by her and breeding her, I say she does a really really good job representing my interests.

>> No.35434881 [View]
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Suppose an Ocelomehfag was captured by one. How would the prospective wife and the other warriors and the Tezcalipocas react to the usual just captured men looking all downcast and sad, being walked in ropes/chaines or under the threat of Macuahiutl boner inducing beatings... and on the other hand this guy being all happy and cheerful, clinging himself to his captor, grabbing her by the waist, gropping her and loudly talking to her about their how many daughters he will have. the honeymoon and all the things they will do together?

Would the waifu be proud or an embarrassed blushing mess?

>> No.33630154 [View]
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Anons, how can I find Jinko love if I live in Ocelomexico City?

>> No.31053329 [View]
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>not wanting to be dominated by a tiny brown rapecat
The lack of handholding is an issue, though.

>> No.21767364 [View]
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>> No.21386518 [View]
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How would an Ocelomeh react to her husband telling her he is so happy such a strong warrior will be the mother of his children?

>> No.21303811 [View]
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I am kind of worried how much KC makes a point of how Ocelomeh (both in profile and out) have "slender" and "lithe" bodies. Does that mean they cant get muscular? Because I would love a tall Jinko level or above muscled Ocelomeh wife.

>> No.21175088 [View]
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I have always thought those tall warrior types are perfect to cling to her strong body as you take a walk with her. Which is why Im wondering, would clinging in public be acceptable to Ocelomehs?

>> No.21122033 [View]
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