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>> No.45843168 [View]
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Can a dude get a smol Marisa with a big ol hat

>> No.44040613 [View]
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>not the anon
Ah no, not a problem, I'm not even exactly defending nor attacking any of the series I talked about. I just hate it if someone shitted on/hyped up a series without any elaboration, no standard to refer to, and/or not even a comparison. Our perception of something will always be biased, especially depending on how much knowledge we already had about said thing and what it's related to. Hell, I might even be willing to join in on shitting on Rokujouma/MT if they actually had a sound argument.
With that said, I do have a personal beef with nu-Chink/Gook/Burgershit though, but not a specific series in particular. IF, and that's a big if, the first anon compared LTBE not against Sevens or other (Japanese) harem novels but any Gu Long/Jin Yong series instead, then I would honestly concede, because they're the real golden standard for Chinkshit, though that really only apply to published (actual) /lit/shit.
>actual argument against MT
Thank you, now let's discuss shall we?
>patch up plot holes
Understandable. Laplace factor, Rudeus being a Toukilet, and limited growth does seem to be a gimp. Though I don't agree with the "train a bunch of people" part due to (for what it's worth) his communication disorder early on. Probably the only thing I deem unrealistic about MT would be that, since he's spent half of his life being a failure, but never had any major reflux after it's "fixed" except after a certain rat incident. So yeah, you're right on this point.
>basically everyone important speaks common
Eh, not really that much of a problem for me. It's like how English is used as a global language in real life and practically everyone must learn it to work, even those living in a literal shithole of bumfuck nowherekistan.
>climatic emotional moments
Now that's hard to say. On one side, Rudeus at this point of time is for all intents and purposes a "normal" man with a family, so his first priority being to keep his family safe is narratively correct and we've also been introduced with Turning Point early on so the "marvel moments" as you said it is not really out of place. On the other side, you're absolutely correct in saying that Rudeus could break the board if he's left unchecked every time though most probably won't due to his traumas. But then, if we take the "Honki Dasu" part of MT at face value, he will at some point break the board no matter what. So given the choices we had, I think I still prefer the marvel ending than the slow life ending.
Got quite disappointed by the magic Quidditch death match so currently stuck at 2 volume after that. I understand that it was meant to showcase that mages only care about their endgoal no matter how petty it was, but it really only clicked after that. Am liking how the Necromancer arc goes though, and Oliver being the nicest person with high moral values in what's basically hell full of psychopaths is a real nice contrast against Alderamin's woe is me protag (the princess in this one is a real bitch though, so Ikta really is pitiable).
Eh, not as bad as Mamare's MaoYuu kickstarting an entire generation of Yuushas instead of Eiyuus, which goes with a shitstorm of MTL wordpress site using Braves for like what? 3? 5? or more years straight. At least it serves as an easy filter though.
Now them's the fighting word anon. Kawazu was the best thing that Alph*polis ever licensed after Hero BBS and nothing after that ever comes close. *lphapolis, alongside Gate, TsukiMichi, The New Gate, and Re:Monster can go die in a ditch somewhere I can't see. Isekai Tensei Soudoki should then be taken by someone more competent though.

>> No.43812916 [View]
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