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/jp/ - Otaku Culture


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>> No.1517254 [View]
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You could watch "Yasuko to Kenji". It's lovely and funny.

Or, you could stalk me and watch as I learn Japanese intensively for a year and then move to some sleepy suburb of Fukuoka as a JET CIR and fall in love with a beautiful Ryoko Hirosue-clone.

The future is bright, motherfuckers. The future is so bright and fantasizing about it makes my penis swell to its final form.

The future is so bright! Do you hear me, /jp/! I'm not afraid of growing up now. Really, i'm so afraid of everything.

lease believe me --everything is going to be okay in my life. help me.

i'm a winner, i'm going to be sucessful and h@!@@@@@@@@@@@@@@appy and i'll never i feel lonely and self-conscious again.

please believe me....

>> No.1491803 [View]
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7. if you go to the japanshop.com, you find a textbook called "Intermediate Integrated Japanese". The newest edition comes with a cd and a workbook, so get that one. This is the unoffical sequal to the genki series and many have claimed it to be a perfect followup to Genki 2. I'm currently waiting for my copy to arrive in the mail, so i can't confirm or deny this.

8. There's another text called Authentic Japanese that's billed as the followup to Integrated Intermediate Japanese. This is the advanced level text that, upon completing it, makes you a japanese learning super hero! I don't have the money to buy the book, but i've heard nothing but good things about it. Get the cd set too for added utility.

~~~I wish Yuna was a trap, kinda like Haku~~~

Well, that's my "Operation Onsen" list. This is sort of like the skeleton I base my Japanese studies around. You can flesh out this plan by watching Anime, TV shows, j-dorama, reading manga, listening and jacking off to Gackt, listening and jacking off to Ryoko Hirosue, etc.

I hope this has helped at least a little bit....


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