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>> No.40702401 [View]
File: 1.79 MB, 1000x1618, Yukari Yakumo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I saw Yukari made a post on /a/ saying "Dear husband...(something something) Kuchinuke"(sic)
Either one I guess.

In a building underground. There's someone who I thought was Light Yagami, because he had brown hair, but he was actually a detective who was killed by him. He tried pressing a button which would cause this place to self-destruct but me and Yukari stopped him. We're at the doorway of a house above ground, he's talking about hanging on as a ghost and not wanting to disappear, I say just disappear, go to your sleep, you'll dream nice dreams, far better than lingering as a ghost. Then he disappears.

I see a Yukari with white poofy hair, like that "fair lady" Yukari I guess, go into a KFC. I follow her. Inside, she had hidden behind a bench, while I ordered 3 pieces Original Recipe. She said that's $7.90. The receipt prints before I pay, over to the top of the eftpos machine, while the worker lays a piece of greasy chicken on top. I try to swipe my keycard but it doesn't work, the worker asks why, I say it's got all this stuff covering it. I take off another card that was covering my keycard and swipe over the chicken, this time it makes it through the chicken and the receipt to the machine. I'm not sure if I'll keep the greasy receipt but Yukari comes over and takes it, as I think "I love my business wife."

Talking with Yukari sticking half-way out of a gap. We need to go somewhere, but she says hold on, I need to use the toilet. She just remains in front of me, so I ask "What, you're using it right now?" She says "Yeah." There's a guy who says to her "You're just archsilly and hot" and she says "Yeah."

Warcraft 3 gameplay, but the place looks kind of like the place outside Moon View Tower from Sekiro. There's a couple of heroes leading a wave of creeps towards the tower, there's a Blademaster defending, I figure he's me because he's just defending all by himself. I use an ultimate like Juggernaut's Omnislash on the weaker of the two heroes, killing him. The other enemy hero was also a Blademaster, he split into Mirror Images, I did so too before I Windwalked away, then noticed one of them had auras so I attacked him, nearly killing him with a Critical strike.

In a shop. I ask if they have a specific brand of cat food, he says they do. I get asked about the size of my cat, I'm about to say it's large but say it's medium. A blonde girl, Yukari, is with me, maybe says she wonders why I underestimate the size of my cat, as she pulls her pants down and lays on the floor with her ass sticking up at me, there was a couple of blemishes on it.

I'm inside a train, though I'm looking out over the roof somehow. I see the exhaust blow out black smoke, then there's a lot of water pushed out of it seemingly to balance it out, as I figure it's a steam train. The train goes fast as hell, launching off the rails when it comes to a slope, crashing back down on it. I see towards the other side of a lake, a long procession of many Yukaris. I ditch the train and go over to one of them, wearing black with a black fan that had a black crane on it. When I get close she jumps, holding the crane fan over her head, flying away over the lake. I take my left hand in the right hand of another Yukari, then we flap our free arms and chase after her. The black Yukari had settled on top of a lamp post, she had turned her crane fan into a cake and was eating it, but when we got close she abandoned the post, leaving the cake behind. Me and the other Yukari take her place on top, while I start eating her cake, the crane's head coming to life and trying to peck me a little. While the other Yukari lurks around like she wants her crane or post back. I thought it's so shit that I've fucked up so much in this timeline Yukaris hide or run from me, I want to hurry up and go to the true timeline where they all chase after and glomp me.

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