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>> No.12613996 [View]
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>And how exactly do you know they had it down by then? I'm kind of serious, this is interesting.

Modern chimp and bonobo studies show the beginnings of it, learned behavior for the social structure, what is permissible and not. Fucking old world monkeys even do this and they're barely smarter than squirrels.

The types of tools and the anatomy are what is easiest to track. People were still more advanced than chimps when they were using hand axes over 2 million years ago.

Cro Magnon is basically the same as us, except when our wisdom teeth still fit right in our mouths and they go back to about forty-five thousand years. That's thirty-five before the first bow and arrow. And Homo sapiens is almost two hundred thousand years old. Homo erectus as the first true social humans go back to a million years. Good and evil is as old as shit.

With sapience comes morality.

You think the niggas who carved this fifty thousand years ago and buried their dead and drew huge cave murals didn't have concepts of good and evil when they had religion?

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