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>> No.41875999 [View]
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Aunn's words proved to be prophetic and the mess started in the yard that the veranda overlooked, decorations that once adorned the shrine and empty bottles with some smashed were nestled among the damp leaves. The sliding door was wide open, some of the wood and paper on one of the door was busted like someone bashed it open in a rage. Inside it was worse, the table was flipped wantonly surround by empty plates, bottles, sake cups and leftovers of food the birds and local animals haven't yet touched. In the kitchen most of the cooking wear was dirty, left on the wood fired stoves and as for the stove itself the chamber was open leaking out ashes where someone halfway attempted to clear it before giving up. Despite the sandals you wore you took care to avoid stepping on the glass, not wanting to damage yourself or the tatami mats which seemed to have been a bit roughed up in some places. The main chambers of the house were in such disarray that if someone told you a rowdy party happened here the night before you'd believe them without hesitation while wondering if they hosted a tournament on the side.
The overcast sky threw a gray shade into the house and the interior mess which did nothing to help its presentation, making the entire scene seem even more cluttered. You ventured further into the shrine's familiar yet soul crushing state of disorganization, most of the wooden framed sliding doors left open asymmetrically letting a chilly draft breeze through the house. You wondered the house further, and the absence of Reimu left its mark more clearly then if she was raging infront of you, you checked the various rooms of the surprisingly spacious residence but somehow didn't find her and a vague anxiety started growing in your chest. The rooms of the shrine that contained various workspaces or areas for guests to sleep were empty at the moment and seemed like they haven't even been opened much less used since you left. It was already past the middle of the day but you realized that if she was anywhere it was going to be the room you spent your married life sharing since according to Aunn she hasn't left the main building.
Sure enough you reached the largest room of the shrine after what felt like hours of sifting through the rooms but in reality was only a few minutes from the time you walked into the livingroom to now. The door was ajar with a small gap where the sliding doors would meet, the left door was slightly off its frame likely from impact and the wood was looking worse for the wear from what was undoubtedly a forceful closing that caused the damage. You didn't see anything from the slit in the door just yet, it was darker in the room then outside in the hall killing all perception you could have as the wooden framed windows that lined the upper wall were all shuttered closed for the most part. You slid open the good door enough to allow yourself passage and as your eyes adjusted you noticed the ever present mess here as well, clothing and various household things scattered about, you could make out the shape of Reimu's dresser she had even before you came here toppled over on its side, its drawers open from impact and its items scattered about around that weren't secured inside of a still stubbornly closed drawer. You walked quietly and carefully around any obstacles towards what you now realized was the futon you both shared and the lump that you assumed was Reimu. You called out her name gently but didn't hear a reply and for the first time you felt the anxiety in your chest solidify into worry and made to one of the windows, lifting the shudder and shining the sun's albeit dim light into the room. The window shone its light into the room, illuminating the room gently with its gray glow and before you was the the head of Reimu peeking out of the blankets just barely. Her eyes closed at the sudden brightness obviously responsive and tracking you but she didn't seem to fully understand what was going on just yet.
You were relieved knowing that she was at least physically okay as you approached her prone form again and squatted down placing your hand on her shoulder through the thick winter cover and rocked her gently, "Reimu... I'm home... You know you shouldn't be sleeping this late...". You honestly didn't know what to say, in all the ways your reunion would go this wasn't what you imagined at all, you thought of everything from a happy reunion, to one where she raged and tried killing you on sight, to getting sent straight out of Gensokyo by a spurred miko but not this. Reimu simply stared up at you from her nest of raven hair until the light of recognition light up her eyes and finally a small voice sounded out, "Anon...?". The covers stirred and out of it came a hand that simply touched your cheek and felt your face. It wasn't long till the pale miko's face started to tremble as her eyes got watery and finally released silent tears that leaked out unending. You took her hand in your own.

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