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>> No.10739941 [View]
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"Sunny Suwako" Moriya

I want to say RIP to all our fallen angels...
Like I said, I'm better than no man, no woman, nobody on earth
I've just got a lot of love to spread and I want to say that I'm sorry for that loss that you had.
It's your girl Sunny Suwako, I love you all. You know what it is. You have such a beautiful soul.

>> No.10136579 [View]
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Why is there no love for the fungus?

The mushroom entity is made of love. It traveled here from outer-space inside of an asteroid and landed on this planet millions years ago. It just wants to communicate with you.

>> No.9981051 [View]
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Have you embraced the one true religion of Shinto?

>> No.9657269 [View]
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I guess that's what the magical drinks and special plants are for though. It seems like a shaman and mind-altering plants go hand in hand, I've never seen one without the other. Well, I've seen people, hippies in particular, with the plants, but I've never seen a shaman that didn't have plants or some kind of brewed drink.

I wonder if that altered state of mind allows him to enter a different plane of existence where he's able to communicate with the earth in a spiritual way, almost like tapping into a connection that we all have with each other and with the rocks, the animals, the trees, and the other things of nature. Sort of like a universal string of life energies or a field of life energy that binds us all together and when they're in that plane of existence then they're able to get in touch with the elements on a spiritual level.

That would make a lot of sense.

>> No.9656090 [View]
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One time I felt really happy for a long time, but then all of the sudden feeling happy became normal to me because I had been feeling it for such a long time.

So suddenly I wasn't happy anymore since the good times had now become the normal times and if doing your favorite thing just feels normal to you then how can you have good times?

You got to have some bad times too. Once I started having some bad times in my life again then suddenly doing what I enjoyed felt great again.

If you want to have some bad times to make the good times feel better then the best thing to do is make yourself do some unpleasant but useful things. Maybe start exercising or learning a language. It isn't fun and it feels sufficiently bad enough to make you cherish the good times again, but you still get a useful result from doing it.

>> No.9581185 [View]
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Friendship isn't worth your time. Learn to enjoy your own company and maybe get a dog.

Friendships and relationships bring suffering and strife to your life. It's difficult to feel at peace with your life until you've stopped caring about friends and learned to love being alone.

Loneliness is like a drug addiction that each of us are born with. Every time you make a friend you're just feeding your addiction. The only way to free yourself is to be alone and allow your mind to adapt. Eventually you will love being alone.

>> No.9488696 [View]
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Everybody stand up and sing
And say I love you
Take this time to open your heart.
Show your feelings right from the start.
Now is the time to spread love around.


>> No.9465279 [View]
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Don't try to fight bullies with bullying, /jp/.

You can overcome the bullies with love and kindness.

>> No.9437808 [DELETED]  [View]
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Sometimes when a boy feels sad he will touch his winky and some happy milk for come out and then he doesn't feel sad anymore.

Please don't feel bad if you have done this, okay? It's very normal and healthy, so please don't feel ashamed.

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