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>> No.46450316 [View]
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Why do you think I haven't written in the past thread?
That's a lie, I've actually been busy.

>> No.46197107 [View]
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>>The Great Hakurei Barrier is written in Python
>Uhh Yukari, explain yourself?
It's just the CI/CD and alerting layer is written in Python, all the important, high-performance bits where hacked together in half C and C++ by Ran years ago. Half-n-half, because she though C++ was the way, but then thought better of it when her Class hierarchy looked like an ancient Chinese family tree.
Thankfully, this helped her avoid ENTERPRISE JAVA, but did not save her from trying to replace all the number-crunching Linpak bits with Python that just calls out to Linpak.
Recently Chen's really liking Golang and has written some microservices in it, but Yukari despises explicit error handling(why would her perfect code have errors?) so juries out on whether or not the python automation will be replaced by Google's other abominable language. I like Golang actually.
I tried to raise a discussion topic on the village forms for using Clojure for some of the REST services, since it's BEAST MODE for simple HTTP handlers(Spring can eat my shorts), however she just posted a picture of a wall of printed out stack traces and closed the thread.

>> No.45032305 [View]
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I just realized in the original Seija story that the 'I didn't know humans had green skin' joke was a reference to the anon skin AND NOT Anon being dressed up as a Youkai for the 'Youkai attack course'

>> No.44925888 [View]
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Pardon me while I vomit some writing advice:
>Their, there, and they're
>Colons, semi-colons, commas
>Sentences are a statement, question, exclamation(observations and expression), or command.
>Most sentences have a subject(the primary thing), a predicate(indicating something about the subjects), and in the case of a verb an indirect object(what the subject is acting on).
>People who've experienced a location or action frequently will be less observant of the whole, taken things as a given, while people who're experiencing something for the first time will be much more attentive.
>Different people have different patterns of speaking and speak differently to different people. General posture and where people looking over time is also something to consider.
>When describing something: visual appearance is obvious, but people will experience things like heat, humidity, sound(frequency, intensity, periods or repetition...), atmospheric pressure, TEXTURE, TASTE, and various phenomena of light.
>People feel and act different at different times of day.
>When two people are speaking to one another, the difference in response time and the tone of the response can imply much. Someone who speaks the second they can is usually nervous or excited. Someone who takes their time may be slow-witted/tired or in control of the situation
>How two characters interact physically in a conversation is paramount. Touching someone can be an amorous or comforting gesture which woman are more likely to engage in. Backing away or advancing can be seen as a submissive or aggressive gesture respectively
>Expressions on faces are the primary sign-posts for human interactions. Looking up an expression chart used for illustration and getting a thesaurus is a good idea
>Add and remove details of a setting, moment in revisions. Sometimes more details helps the readers immersion, other times it feels like an autist lecturing you on their favorite fringe card game. Only revisions can tell.
>Do revisions and walk away from your writing before revising it.
>People tend to express themselves with hand gestures, "Get out of /jp/", knock on woods, hands on hips, ect.

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