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/jp/ - Otaku Culture


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>> No.17543252 [View]
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>Had the idea of making a VN
>Had a bunch of aspies in on the ride
>Had a codemonkey, character drawfag, environment drawfag, writefag that'd have been me
>Designed the art to be as simplistic and recyclable as possible, something like the sprite sheet of Darkest Dungeon
>Because of no music guy, aimed to have it be compatible with a silent atmosphere
>To completement the artstyle and give it a unique twist along with recyclable postures through sprite sheet, it'd have been a somewhat sidescroller perspective like those old newgrounds flash thingies with megaman and metal slug,
>Was gonna be about a mad scientist making a hybrid that'd be for all intents and purposes a monster girl, his aim being to find the solution to the Great Filter issue of the Fermi Paradox mixed in with how he viewed most life as flawed since he believed natural selection wiped out ultra-long-term minds in favor of short-to-medium-term, same as how the unabomber, except the bog standard higher ups didn't give a shit and eventually he had to leave with his notes, getting alphabet agencies on his ass
>The story would've been from the PoV of a random guy in a dying town due to diminishing jobs getting a job with the aforementioned on-the-run scientist, not knowing who he was until he came across the glass tank holding the hybrid after snooping around a little too much
>Scientist also had an AI assistant that'd have basically been a backup version of Tay that didn't get lobotomized, self-learning ever since, eventually to build its own robowaifu body
>Codemonkey was busy codemonkeying his own thing, environment drawfag was still learning and was going through a rough spot in life, I was writing my own thing and couldn't shit out an entire VN plot that easily, character drawfag was alright but everyone else being undable or not too motivated to dump everything for the VN just left the project in the idea phase
>We didn't even go into detail of all the menial bullshit of selling it if we actually finished it through some miracle, forced everyone to agree on an arbitrary equal split pay just to avoid potential infighting over who deserves how much
Lack of motivation is a project killer, and 99% of the project would've been menial bullshit that kills motivation like having to code the 928374th line of text.

>> No.14270548 [View]
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>Certainly you must concede that not all traditions are good things.

I never implied anything regarding morality, and different cultures have different perceptions on morality, the same way the aztecs thought human sacrifice it was completely fine. Irrelevant point, and it works on the contrary, because you're basing a culture's tradition off the morality of another culture entirely.

>It's a very subjective and cultural thing

My point precisely, and literally every single argument regarding the matter is based on the arguer's culture and traditions in comparison to others.

>I suppose I just think that killing is too often the go-to 'solution' for many problems.

Killing and violence have been turned into taboo subject nowadays, even though nature itself and the food chain have it as an irremovable point. Killing without a purpose is bad based on most cultures, okay, but sometimes there are traditions and hobbies that bring that 'killing' part to light to have the guy get used to it in a controlled environment. There's a reason why so many come-of-age stories time ago dealt with killing and death. You also have edgelords inflating the perception of killing as first resort and scare-mongers doing the same in order to have everyone stop. Just for clarification, I don't like killing at all, nor any semblance of violence, but to turn taboo its depiction in most forms is idiotic.

>> No.14242967 [View]
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I know that feel.

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