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>> No.45443823 [View]
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Again, this is like Five Nights At Freddy's autists obsessing over the gender of the kid posessing Mangle's animatronic when it's clearly left ambiguous so autists obsess over that instead of shit that matters. This autismal obsession is truly loveless and has nothing to do with the plot or the message it tries to convey. Trannies hijacking it into "muh hecking gender dysphoria" (any sane person would certainly feel dissonance with their body if they learn that it's missing something it was meant to have, like genitals) is incredibly insulting to the work cause Yasu never wanted to cripple "themselves" sexually like a troon, but the opposite. Yasu didn't particularly want to be a boy or a girl, but just an abled bodied, whole person. If anything, the closest Yasu could be compared to is to the tragedy that were Castrati during Rennaissance Italy, cause that's what Yasu is: an involuntary eunuch due to unlucky circumstances. All autogynephiles that are hijacking Yasu's irredeemable tragedy of not being whole should take a long walk on the short plank. Stop sabotaging my Japanese cyber-literature and die. The anti-tranny reaction is understandable, but obsessing over it also distracts you from the point of the work. Just be aware of this ideological poisoning of the work.

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