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>> No.45475129 [View]
File: 455 KB, 2620x2562, __shameimaru_aya_himekaidou_hatate_and_iizunamaru_megumu_touhou_drawn_by_sakic43899__fe9fc3ca985ba00b45be3607231b4771.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The day began with a bang. Two bangs, in fact. The first wouldn’t stop, rapping on the tengu’s front door until the exhausted reporter was forced to deal with it. The sight beyond it was a surprise: A certain brunette shut-in with a purple tokin and checkered skirt wanted to enter. Hatate looked gravely concerned, like the sky was on fire, falling, and trying to eat people all at once. This might be something important. Aya opened the door, feeling a sense of deja vu as the girl suddenly embraced her.


Aya clasped her hand over the girl’s mouth and led her inside. Sitting at a table, Hatate composed herself. Meanwhile, Aya poured a cup of sake for Hatate and brewed tea for herself. She could use something hard right now and Eirin’s natal supplements supposedly protected her eggs from the effects, but it hasn’t worth the risk.

Apparently, Hatate has been trying to spy on Aya since the rumor around the about Kanako visiting the HSE began. She did this to multiple tengu, but oddly enough, something was messing with her thoughtography regarding Aya specifically. After word spread about Tsukasa being assaulted by a hidden figure in the Village, she took another chance and caught Aya just as she got her face sliced by the robed-then-invisible person. After that, she watched Aya for the rest of the night…

Multiple feelings welled up inside of Shameimaru. Most of it was shame. Okina told her that her observation protected her from others. While Yukari and her gaps were at the forefront of her mind, she kept Hatate’s thoughtography in the back of her mind up until it mattered most. At least she only played daishogi last night. Although, this could work out in her favor: Hatate saw the invisible attacker and heard her discussion with Momiji in the bathroom. She already knew everything Aya did.

“So, I guess I should say congratulations on your eggs, and good job on your investigation! If you need me to grab something, I have some free time.”

“Actually, I think I have something only you can do for me.” Ruffling through her bag hastily dumped at her desk the night before, Aya retrieved her camera and handed a roll of film to Hatate. “I want you to release a story about Kasen.”

Between Kasen, Sage of Gensokyo and some invisible nobody, who would be more interesting? While Aya still didn’t think Kasen was the real culprit, it was clear that the hermit was supposed to take the fall. Why not let Tsukasa and her accomplice think they fooled her, lulling them into a false sense of security? Either way, it should finally quell the rumors surrounding Kanako, protecting some force that can counter Yukari.

“Not to mention that some less-discerning readers consider Bunbunmaru a gossip paper. But the Kakashi Spirit has a reputation for being informative! Late and sometimes a little dry, sure, but it’s still the perfect medium to break the article.” Hatate rolled her eyes at the back-handed compliment. “Think about it: A hot new story being released in the reliable Kakashi Spirit, dispelling the falsehoods shrouding the village and the mountain. It’d do wonders for your paper in the long-run, which should get Megumu off your back for a while.”

“She has been bossier than usual… Alright, you’ve got a deal! Although, I gotta ask: How does this help you? Bad reception to Bunbunmaru never stopped you from publishing an article before.”

“Bunbunmaru is the leading source of information about the HSE. Readers are starting to get bored. Some competition should spice things up, increasing viewership for both of us!” This was her official pitch. In reality, the tengu was terrified of Yukari interrogating her about the article in her own paper. If the gap hag got mad, she’d go after Hatate first, giving Aya a bit more time to run like hell.

“More readers means more work, but it should make Megumu happy… fine. Although, I think I might try to catch ‘Kasen’ at the HSE myself before publishing the article. More evidence wouldn’t hurt.” With that, the tengu set off to do the thing she hated most: Her job.

Now that the deal was done, Aya’s home was finally quiet again. However, a disgusting smell, like sulfur mixed with rotten fish began wafting through the house.

Then, the second bang happened.

It came from inside of Aya’s closet. The force of the explosion knocked the door clean off of it’s track, leaving an open view of the source: A hamper of dirty clothes that’s been blown to pieces. Mixed in with the scattered fabric were scraps of plastic. Finally, in the center of the rubble was a fine, white powder.

Eirin’s last pill expired.

(Part 60)

When you take picture with three people in it, the person in the middle will die early.

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