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>> No.41711343 [View]
File: 929 KB, 1000x578, Winter kasen Reimu.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reimu's recently been a bit lazy, not a problem as you've more then picked up the slack and by this point you've become the "Shine Husband of the Hakurei miko" as the bunbunmaru called it. You didn't mind the title at all, supporting Reimu was your joy and seeing her being able to relax and focus on what she enjoyed gave you more pleasure then the few moments of enjoyment you could get from having Reimu do things like make dinner or clean the shrine while you merely waited or went about the village. by this time it was cold, and just a bit after the news years rush, Reimu had been taking it easy and was generally contented as not only was her shrine overflowing with donations(there was a small pockets worth of change its coffers) but she was able to fully enjoy hot tea and a full belly thanks to your work in the village gathering firewood which turned a decent profit.
This morning you were shoveling snow from the pathway from the torii up to the shrine and down the entire path leading up to the residence, it was slow going work but you weren't one to leave the shrine looking unkempt. Today Nitori was here, rare for her to venture out when its so cold out but she was here to discuss business with Reimu, apparently smelling money on the wind this winter and although you decided to sit out this meeting unlike before you were sure you'd have ideas bounced off of you before long and that was fine with you since you've never liked meetings even before you were gapped. To your relief the sun was rising a bit more dispelling some of the early morning chill by the time you were finishing up and then came a women you haven't seen around too much recently now that winter fell, Kasen the pink hermit. Kasen set down just behind the torii giving a proper greeting, "good morning Anon-san, i've come to see Reimu... who I can see is slacking off on her duties today!" you let out a wan smile to that, knowing Reimu will be a bit moody today thanks to the lecture she'll receive today and replied, "Nitori came around this morning about an hour ago and they're having a meeting inside, so please do be too harsh on her today~". Kasen let out a small sigh of resignation, "of course thats why... seriously Reimu spends too much time trying gain money despite her station. She's lucky to have someone like you to balance her" all you can do is smile a bit at the praise you received and with a few more pleasantries you find yourself leading her to the residence behind the main shrine. She flourishes her dramatic entrance, which you muse is fitting for an oni, thats something you figured out yourself since it didn't take much to figure out given her name after all, such legends are freely available if you just ask Kosuzu.
By the time you were done and went inside you were witness to Nitori's evacuation, using a jet pack to fly out of there in a hurry with a flash of red and white making for the door before being intercepted by a pink flash that seemed to drag her back before the doors closed again. You were prepared for an earful yourself by the time you went to warm up and make a small meal for your guest but instead you were greeted to the sight of Kasen sipping tea on the opposite end of of the table from the suffering miko, the atmosphere was a bit heavy but you noticed how quickly it changed as the scents of the rice pudding you were cooking up for you all started drifting out from the kitchen, the cold temperatures made it easy to keep cooked rice after all. By the time you entered the living room again, no more then 30 minutes passed really as it took the rice pudding only that long to solidify from being boiling hot once distributed into individual bowls, with a bit of syrup you've kept preserved as a topping you walked into the room merrily and the mood was already lighter by the time you set the treat onto the table, one for each of you. Kasen didn't want to drop her fussy mother act just yet so you made sure to top off her tea before taking a seat yourself, "come now don't let the pudding cool all the way darling, Kasen-san" it wasn't much prodding but it was more then enough to get them both to start digging at the treat you prepared them.
Some time passed and by the time they were done with their treat the mood was as comfy as if Kasen wasn't set on lecturing Reimu for hours straight and it wasn't long at all till you were all chatting merrily laughing about this and that. It was at this point that Kasen's attitude turned slightly serious, "well i'll be leaving as any more chastising would be uncouth, but please heed my words, be more serious about your shrine. I don't know how you got such a good man but if you work him to the bone like this and don't treat him well i'll hold him captive at my senkai until you come to your senses". Kasen sighed as she started for the door as Reimu gave her a lazy answer in reply. You kissed your wife's cheek, there's no way you'd be away from her for long even if an oni took you away!

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