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>> No.46047155 [View]
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"Um, well..." Nai paused for a moment, then seemed to make her mind up. "Okay, well, Bis Sis Kisami said something to me about rings, and I was talking to him about them at the party, but I said that he didn't have to tell me if he didn't want to, so long as..." She trailed off for a moment longer. "A-As long as it wasn't going to make you sad, Big Sis Yamame." A smile came to Yamame, unbidden, and she lifted Yura from the bench, ignoring her protesting, so that she could get close enough to give Nai a hug. "U-Um," Nai continued, despite the crushing hug she was currently stuck in, "He said that he hoped that it would do the opposite."

"He was right." Yamame replied quietly, finally withdrawing from the hug. Breathing in deeply, she raised her hands. "He proposed, as the sun rose on New Year's Day." And there, much as everyone that her human had told had reacted, were the gasps and the crowding around her ring. "We're...Well, we're getting married."

Ruka was the first to find her voice, and she almost cheered. "Yams! Oh, dear sister, look at that! Yura always calls you anti-social, and yet here you are, marrying a human!"

"Hey!" Yura slapped her sister on the back of the head. "I do not call Yams anti-social!" She looked back at Yamame. "It's beautiful, sister. And - I only call you easy to tease."

"Thank you, Yura." Yamame replied dryly. "That's much better." Really, she wasn't that easy to tease. It just so happened that all of her sisters were very good at it. That was her story, and she was sticking to it.

"Dear sister, you've gone and outshone us all." Reiko murmured, gently lifting Yamame's hand up. "And Yura's always saying that she'll go to the surface and find a pretty boy for herself. Every single weekend. One might think she's trying to follow in your footsteps." She said the last bit with a slight smirk toward her sandy-haired sister.

"Rei!" Yura spanned. "I'm not copying her; I'm going for pretty ones!" She thought about that one for a moment, then blushed slightly. "Um, no - Sorry, Yams. I didn't mean-"

Yamame raised her hands. "It's fine, it's fine." She replied placatingly. Really, she thought he was pretty enough, and that was all that mattered. Plus, it was mostly his kindness and determination to love her that won her over so much, anyway. "I know you didn't mean anything by it." She paused for a moment. "So, um, I guess this is why Ki called you all here. Like I said, I'm getting married." Everyone present nodded. "And - Obviously - I want my family to be there. So, April fourth. That's, er, the date we picked. And it's going to be in the Garden of the Sun."

"The Garden of the Sun?" Ruka asked, looking up from Yamame's ring. "That's...That place on the surface, right? Where it's all sunflowers?" Yamame nodded. Strictly speaking, it hadn't all been sunflowers when she'd been there, but she had a feeling that the place had some weird properties thanks to Miss Yuuka, so it probably would be all sunflowers by April, regardless of that barely being into Spring at all.

Nai, somewhat unsurprisingly, was the first to actually provide a confirmation. "I'll definitely be there, Big Sis!" She nearly shouted. Not to be outdone, the other three quickly followed suit. "Um, is it just us?"

"No, obviously not. I want to invite everyone." Yamame replied. "All of us. Plus - Well, it might be, um, work. Of a sort." This was the delicate bit. Yamame and her human had spoken about it a small amount to the two Ibaraki halves, and some more after that. "So - He wants to invite some people from the village...Who can't fly. So, I'm wondering if we could get all of our lot in as - As staff, I suppose. It'll give some of the more hyperactive ones something to do." Yamame tried her best not to look at Nai as she said that. "Stuff like ferrying people that he's inviting from the village. That sort of thing."

Reiko rubbed her chin. "Hmm..." She thought for a few moments. She'd always been the more business-minded of them, so it didn't surprise Yamame much. "Well, the Hot Springs are finished. We're all out of there now. There's still some last-minute stuff going on, but it's more like being retained than anything else. So...Yeah, most of us are free." Yamame looked up at her, eyebrows raising. "Well - I don't know how we'll organize it, but I'm not looking to let down my happiest sister, so..." She crouched down, which was good because she did...Loom, a little bit over everyone she spoke to except Ki, who was taller than her anyway. "I'll draw something up to get things together, but - Yes, we'll definitely help you with whatever you need."

"Really!?" Yamame asked happily. "Oh, thank you, Reiko!" She jumped forward from the bench to wrap her arms around her sister, who had clearly been unprepared for it and fell back onto the ground. "Oh, um, sorry..." Calming down, Yamame helped Reiko back to her feet. She brushed herself down, then nodded awkwardly.

>> No.25723126 [View]
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kanako is old hag and uggo. this is now a yamame thread

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