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I can understand why someone would think like so, but...
>it's easy to mistake everything written her as sheer egoism
...more importantly, I believe this might be the only space for us to talk about any of these experiences. Of course sharing personal experiences is going to have a bit of an "egotistic" air about to it.

The subject at hand is somewhat different from most spiritual/paranormal topics because there is (thankfully) no dogma around it yet. I don't think anyone of us has a 100% clear idea of what is even happening and why. I may have spent a lot of time formulating my ideas on what is going on and why, but I can't consider them as some final truth.

So since we are still very much in the "research phase", there is going to be a lot of personal experiences and research done by particular individuals shared.

If there were some sort of set dogmas, there would be discussion about these dogmas. Go to /x/ and you will see it. It's nothing but demons this, archons that, jews this, masons that. It's aliens. It's subterranean reptilians. It's spirits! No, it's the government! There is of course all the shit flinging associate with such non-discussions.

I can totally understand if someone thinks we're all full of shit though. I'm not sure if there can be much to be done change that perspective.

All I can do is to point how the phenomena is similar to well-established ideas regarding spirit contact and it's most likely happening to people who tend to be at the receiving end of such activity.
>sounds like you still needed to go through things at the pace you did for good reason
Yeah my first attemps at this were so bad I had to walk away from it all for a good while.
>Something to look out for with others then!
100% and I really dislike how some stuff is so popularized and spread around with little thought.
>Any of those giving cause to ask?
On the 25th of July I had a very vivid dream where I was in a mall, apparently in Japan. There was a strange glass building adjanced to it, connected to the mall by a tunnel. I went there and there was a small shrine in there.

As I'm about to ring the bell to give my reverence I feel a tap on my shoulder. A brunette woman with brown eyes who however looks to be of European descent smiles warmly, swipes her index finger down my cheek and winks. I jolt awake from the dream after that.

I rarely physically feel stuff in my dreams but I felt the tap and the swipe. She felt like a separate being, not just one of the dream NPCs. It was a quite strange experience.
>Life has gotten quite better for me since then btw!
That's very good to hear.
>Clarity Spread
I gotta think a bit about this myself. About the reversed Nine of Cups, there are certainly certain things going on in life that could consitute as "unfullfilled wishes" and that there are "blockages" preventing further progress. But this would require some narrowing down I think.

Seven of Cups standing for underhanded temptations and flase narratives is a bit troubling for sure. The Hierophant is very interesting because I enrolled to a Tai Chi course which is starting very soon. I have kind of narrowed the scope of my current research whch should make for some more "attentive listening". As the I Ching project implies, I am hoping to put in more actual practice. There's other stuff too. The Daughter of Wands is also quite interesting, certainly this very thread contains some candidates for such a person. Say, you wouldn't know what to do with a pile of yarrow flowers?
>led astray
>bad advice from a good place
One could go crazy with paranoia thinking about such things.
>"colorful" past involvements
Ah, such cases are mostly in the past and not all the consequential. For example, I have obviously read Crowley, but I have no desire to contribute to his notoriety. I've also come to realize that for example some of the angel invocation stuff that is common might not work as hoped or might have negative effects if you are not baptized or Christian, so spreading around such universally wouldn't be good. There's also been insightful materials which however are potentially dangerous if you don't know what you're doing or aren't serious enough and I don't want to spread such either.
>I'd hate to be the one to start telling you this is all a lie when that couldn't be farther from things
As much as some of my wilder experiences are starting to feel like a strange bygone dream, I don't doubt it's real. I also feel very strongly that doing this, bringing you people together, collating the experiences, maintaining the Archive is one of the most valuable things I can do right now. And I pray and make offerings daily. I am committed.
>If anything, this could simply be an obvious warning over where any total "Quest for Excellence" would get you in the end compared to otherwise.
I think you're gonna have to elaborate a bit on this.

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