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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/jp/ - Otaku Culture


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>> No.32169789 [View]
File: 969 KB, 1220x1220, __gawr_gura_hololive_and_1_more_drawn_by_deyui__bbf0beac4417fc03f425b096f7a6cec7.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>no 1m celebration
>no 1.5m celebration
>probably no 2m celebration
>very little variation in schedules (so much minecraft)
>few collabs
>no JP/ID collabs
>doomer streams like minecraft last week
>above average cancellations
>doesn't give a fuck about SC
>weak member content
>no short viral/meme videos like all the other girls do

It's getting rough supporting an oshi who really doesn't seem to care about her job and her fans... I think I'm going to take my JP reps more seriously so I can switch to someone with a better work ethic. Anyone else feeling this way? There's only so much abuse a man can take.

>> No.31932906 [View]
File: 969 KB, 1220x1220, 7277AB74-C926-44CC-9C20-E1118C32C664.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh, is it “make anon feel lonely” time?
>be anon
>fresh out of work on a chilly friday night
>excited because you get to finally hang out with your friend gura
>take out your phone and call her up
>"hey, gura! i just got out."
>o-oh! sorry, i was just... whats up, anon?
>"you sound kind of out of it. you good?"
>theres hesitation in her voice
>...its been a long day, is all. oh, god, huaha, im getting all sad, im sorry, being stupid again...
>"you know, we can cancel, if-"
>no, no! im fine, seriously. i think i just need to lay back and relax the, uh, the ol tail fin a bit. awwww yis!
>she giggles, and to your relief, it sounds genuine
>"heh... alright. see you in 20?"
>mhm. *beep*
>still feel a little worried about her and decide to grab her favorite food and hot drink on the way there
>its pretty expensive, but whatever
>as you knock on her door, drink in hand, you wonder if she's really alright
>what if she wasnt?
>what would you be able to even do?
>your thought process is interrupted by the door swinging open
>you have to look slightly down to see the beaming face of gura looking up at you, in her usual lounging blue hoodie and her hair down
>anonnnn! come on in~
>you walk to the kitchen and set her stuff down on the counter while she cleans up the living room, making small talk with you
>"oh, by the way, i got you something to eat."
>you did? lemme see!
>she does an exaggerated cutesy waddle over to you
>her silliness suddenly stops and turns to awe seeing what you got her
>y-you got this for me?
>"yeah. you sounded kind of bummed out, so..."
>...thank you, anon.
>there's a genuine tenderness in her voice
>she walks over and gives you a hug
>thank youuuuu~
>shes never been this physically close before so it catches you off guard
>you slowly hug her back
>"no problem, gura."
>thank you for being a good friend, and for getting me something worth a lot, and...
>you notice her voice is beginning to shake
>and for being there for me, and, and...
>she hugs you tighter
>oh god....
>you hear a teardrop hit the linoleum floor
>time feels like its stopped as you hold her, your brain attempting to catch up to whats happening
>anon, im so scared... i dont know what to do...
>"hey, hey. its alright. im here. whats wrong?"
>...i keep having nightmares. th-there's so many people watching me, like im on a stage in a stadium... so many eyeballs waiting for me to make a mistake... and then they start laughing at me...
>she starts sobbing
>you lightly stroke her hair and try to calm her down as she bawls into your chest
>i cant...i cant even enjoy my karaokes anymore. its like im giving a concert. what if i disappoint people, anon? what if im fuckup?
>"hey, youre not a fuckup. youre having the time of your life doing something you love. if theyre not going to stick around for you just goofing around and having fun, they were never really fans, right?"
>"alright, how about this. no matter when youre streaming, where youre streaming, im there in the audience. ill always be there for you."
>"always. and if you ever feel anxious, or scared, or sad, just focus on me, cheering you on, okay?"
>...okay. im depending on you.
>"like you werent depending on me before now?"
>she responds with a giggle
>she finally sounds calmed down, so you stop stroking her head
>...oi. whyd you stop?
>"are you still sad?"
>well, no, but...
>she looks back up at you, fresh red eyes now giving a slightly mischievous but joyful gaze
>i like it when you stroke my head. do it more.
>do it or ill cryyyy again. wahhh, wahhh, big baby gura.
>"alright, jeez. come here."
>as you gently comb through her hair with your fingers she hugs you again, this time in a loving embrace
>you lean in close and breathe in the scent of her hair, a gentle ocean breeze
>she giggles again and holds you so tight it almost hurts
>you never want her to ever let go

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