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>> No.42205991 [View]
File: 507 KB, 1447x2067, Danmachi 16.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>aimless reactive MC in the first place?
To be fair, the story won't be as good if Bell wasn't a bumbling idealistic teenager at the start. Despite the shitty cashgrab title (blame the editor), the story works more like the tale of a heroic saga and/or a coming of age series.
At first we have this naive bumpkin who thinks he can be like the heroes of eons ago just by killing monsters and saving damsels in distress just because his grandpappy says so. Then reality kicks in because any monsters can kill him easily in the dungeon and practically every girls he met can obliterate him in a matter of millisecond, second check comes in the form that practically nobody cares about heroes at all because all the Kami (yes, even Hestia) and adventurers only care about their own amusement and circumstances, resulting in him getting backstabbed several times throughout the story.
But even with all the machinations, backstabbing, keikakus, and near death events, he kept going with his flimsy aspiration without being dyed by outside interference until he himself realizes that becoming a hero is something that he truly wish with his own will.
It's like watching an NPC evolving into a PC through baptism of fire, where we as the reader would be able to experience the full range of emotions and thoughts as they walked into the fire because they haven't been dyed with anything yet compared to say a character like Log Horizon's Shiroe who would definitely think of a way to put out the fire first or someone like Kyoukai Senjou's Toori who's deranged enough to walk into the fire while performing a striptease.
And most importantly, because it was done progressively from the start to vol.12, the shift doesn't feel jarring at all unlike say Arifureta's Hajime who goes from a humble background character-tier MC to Coldsteel the Edgehog within a chapter just because he was betrayed once (granted the events after the betrayal was supposedly painful but desu physical pain in text doesn't feel as intense as emotional and/or mental anguish), though feel free to disagree.
tl;dr It's good, just read it, it really scratches your myth itches and Yasuda's art is always a blessing. Sorry for the wall of text.

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