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/jp/ - Otaku Culture


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>> No.5195751 [View]
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Looks like /jp/ had a rough childhood.

Want to talk about it?

>> No.5161149 [View]
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Have a seat, /jp/.

Tell me what you did today.

>> No.5115331 [View]
File: 6 KB, 248x204, guvgjhv.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's with your fascination of odd numbers?

Were you sexually attracted to your mother as a child?

>> No.4722987 [View]
File: 6 KB, 248x204, freud.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4509026 [View]
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>> No.3899591 [View]
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Do you really want to know?

>> No.3866462 [View]
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How does it feel, /jp/?

You know, being a parasite. Does it make you feel good?

>> No.3859821 [DELETED]  [View]
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This place is beyond my expertise.

Sometimes a person is just broken, ja?

>> No.3847722 [View]
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Blow it out your ass, Jung.

Perhaps you'd like me to share that dream you had about your mother, ja?

>> No.3822769 [View]
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What's it feel like, /jp/?

You know, being mentally deficient? Does it make you feel good?

>> No.3738795 [View]
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Observe how the athiests resort to slander when their fragile egos are threatened.

Matter originating from nothing goes against the basics of classical physics. Ever hear of the complementarity principle?

The big bang is nothing but a cop-out theory to try to deny God until they can find the real answer- when they die and go to hell.

>> No.3664401 [DELETED]  [View]
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Why do you always kick the pinecone when you see it on the ground?

Do you want to have intercourse with your mother that badly, /jp/?

>> No.3647033 [View]
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Does /jp/ want anything in life?

Do you really have a reason for still living?

>> No.3623105 [View]
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What's it feel like, /jp/?

You know, being a friendless virgin with no ambition. Does it make you feel good?

>> No.3593936 [View]
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How does it feel, /jp/?

You know, being worse than /a/. Does it make you feel good?

>> No.3588110 [DELETED]  [View]
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How does it feel, /jp/?

You know, being a robot. Does it feel good?

>> No.3571290 [View]
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What's it feel like, /jp/?

You know, being the shittiest board on 4chan. Does it make you feel good?

>> No.3559656 [View]
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How does it feel, /jp/?

You know, being a pedophile. Does it make you feel good?

>> No.3550544 [View]
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How does it feel, /jp/?

You know, being a murderer. Does it make you feel good?

>> No.3174867 [View]
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What's your favorite tag on danbooru?

>> No.3163630 [View]
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How do you retain your will to live, /jp/?

>> No.3047279 [DELETED]  [View]
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This place is beyond my expertise.

>> No.2406872 [View]
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>I've never been a loser

Lying to me will only make this go slower.

>> No.2370890 [View]
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