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>> No.46658245 [View]
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why are you afraid of funny Yammy posts?

>> No.46199107 [View]
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Hopefully, I said out loud, she was just joking. "Does she...Know how to joke? I mean, properly?" Yamame asked, frowning. I...Wasn't sure about that, but I really hoped so. "Well...What now?" I breathed out slowly, looking around. What now, indeed. Miss Yuuka was standing over by Mugenkan, talking to Tenshi and Marisa. Well, at least no one had-

"Yams!" Ah, there it was. In the blink of an eye, there were suddenly several familiar faces around us. Kisami, her face red and streaked with dried tears, was wrapping her arms around Yamame and squeezing so tightly that it was a wonder she could breathe at all. Nai, Yura, and Ruka were all crowding her, excitedly talking to her about the ceremony. "Oh, the - The bit about giving Reiki your heart - Yams~!" And she was hugging and kissing her all over again.

Reiko stood behind the group, next to Akiru Kurodani. They did have very pleased smiles on their faces though. Akiru stepped over to me in long, smooth strides. "Reiki Kurodani-Hakurei, now." She murmured, and I steeled myself, nodding. "Wonderful...In this case, I may refer to you as my son." That...Was true. She could do that now. I was happy for her to do it, as well. "You've made my Yamame very happy today, Reiki. I do hope you'll continue this in the future." Until the day I died, I told her sharply. A small, content smile came over her face. "I thought you were rather interesting when we first met. It is very pleasing to see how interesting you truly are." She reached up and ran a hand through her hair, pushing it out of her eyes for a moment. Again, I caught that small scar, just above her eyebrow. "I would love to speak to you further, but I am sure that I will have plenty of opportunities in the days, months, and years ahead."

She looked up, then paused. Her usual smile gave way to curious interest. "If you wouldn't mind excusing me, I think I see an old friend looking to speak to me." An...Old friend. I looked around, in the direction she was staring. This, I was definitely curious about. I knew a strange amount of information about Akiru Kurodani. A lot about her relationship to her children and not so much about her herself. But...There were too many people that she could have been looking at. The oni were over there. So was Miss Yuuka, Marisa, and Tenshi. Byakuren Hijiri and Toyosatomimi no Miko. Who was it?

But alas, I wasn't to know, it would seem. "Perhaps I will see you both soon." Akiru murmured to me, stepped past me. She paused by Yamame. "Yamame, dear, your mother is very proud of you." she whispered, tucking a strand of Yamame's hair back. Then, she turned and started walking. I watched her go, dying to know who it was she was going to see. It looked like Miss Yuuka. But...No, surely not? Then again, maybe there were stranger things...

Either way, it was Yamame I was interested in at the moment, because despite the bawling Kisami, she'd gone a little pensive. I stepped around her sisters to place my hands on her shoulders and asked her if she was okay. "Yes. Um, yes, but...Just - Never heard Mum sound like that..." She told me with a bit of a frown. "Just...Felt a little strange, I think. In a good way, though..." Looking back over, I blinked a few times. Yes, there she was. Akiru Kurodani, her hands folded in front of her while she spoke to Miss Yuuka. It - It really was her...? A spider living in a place like the Garden of the Sun wasn't that far out of the realm of possibilities, though.

"Um - Reiki, if you want to go and talk to people, you might want to do it now." Yamame told me, having to pause every other moment to fend off one of her sisters. "While I'm wrangling this lot. And - I'll see you later, okay? Miss Yuuka said that there was a party happening here tonight." Ah, that made sense. What was a wedding without a reception? I sort of wanted to stay by Yamame, but I did have a nagging thought in the back of my mind about Satori and Lady Patchouli, so I wanted to just go and check that they hadn't murdered each other. "Oh, they - Ouch, Nai, don't prod me like that - They did both seem to say something negative about each other, didn't they?"

For that reason, I nodded, placed a gentle kiss on Yamame's lips, and then walked straight in the direction of that little wooded section I'd been in earlier. It hadn't exploded yet, which seemed promising.

What didn't seem promising was the palpable aura of...Something, that I could feel from it. Like pure antagonism. This, then, suggested that things were not going so well. I'd seen Remilia and Sakuya out of the trees already, and while I hadn't spotted Meiling, she had left earlier, which meant that Satori and Lady Patchouli had been alone in here.

I pushed through the trees and paused.

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