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>> No.24931035 [View]
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So, after analyzing
>What Nasu has been saying on blogposts and interviews
>Takeuchi words on Nasu's over investment in his works
>The early 2016 manga from acpi and his eventual addition to the guest writer list on FGO site
>The references on FGO
>The delays on works like Fragments
>StudioBB director Kazuya Niinou inverview
>Fate Extra Record date announcement and pic related
I can, although not 100% safely but close, assume that Nasu is autisticaly planning things based on dates he established more than 15 years ago at least.
That hypothesis came to my mind first when
>1.Nasu impled in one of his interviews that he planned first for a synced UBW anime ending, FGO ending and Tsukihime Remake release.
>2.This connection is also supported by what can be read in acpi manga, on vol2 specifically.
>3.He changed it for some bullshit he didn't explain, making FGO longer than he intended it to be (the division of Fate worlds and Tsukihime worlds was also somewhat in the same time period).
>4.Eventually, lots of references to things related to Fragments came to be on FGO, then Fragments is delayed, more and more references to Fragments elements are showed on FGO and eventually Requiem is selected for the collab of this year, although there was no reason for it to be while Fragments had all the reasons to be.
This allied with the fact that Zelretch vs Brunested is chronologically set to happen 200 before Arthurian legend and on Britain, made me think that Lostbelt 6 will be if not about, at least related to some extent to Millenium Castle Brunestud and its subjects. I say this because of the naive princess that made Beryl shit his pants and also recent theories regarding that Avalon = Millenium Castle Brunestud most fitting location.
I ruled it out because of the LB6 divergence being 500AD, which actually might be something related to either Arthur or Mordred.
Either way, I kinda left off such theory until, well, Fate/Extra remake was announced.
Now, Nasu already has pointed out that he wanted a remake on interviews. And Kazuya Niinou kind of said that he would help Nasu close the "Fate festival" with /Extra. So nothing here to surprise us.
However, Nasu also commented that he was receiving updates on Extra Record progress...
There is a moment in CCC where Rani points out a date that is coincidentaly, the stream date that was one week prior been marked with a timer.
We also know that Nasu is a fucking autist through Takeuchi descriptions of how much insistent Nasu is on making memorable experiences like the ones he had as a child. Takeuchi even trolls how much text Nasu writes.
I think that when Kazuya showed him that they could make an announcement, Nasu checked his personal autistic calendar of important dates (like CCC) and said "whoa, ok, make a timer and a stream the best way you can as we need to do it on this date!"
>Yeah, it was an expected date because it was when Extra was released.
Yeah, but he fucking put it on CCC like it was some important date already. 7 years prior.
When he was already planning FGO plot.
I bet that Nasu planned things with his ass plus with this autistic ideas to still connect whatever Fragments will offer, FGO ending and Tsukihime Remake release (or PV). He probably was planning to do that on 2017 with the manga release of acpi, but then he changed idea seeing that "2020 will be the next perfect moment to do everything" and also considering that after all FGO $hekels he should wait and invest in something better (after games and mushroom noodles expenses).
Fate would be finally closed with Extra remake (that he was planning all those years) and the most important: Tsukihime 20th anniversary was the next best date to focus on Tsukihime.
So, assuming such autism is a fact (and you really can't deny that Nasu spergniness) and that most probably Nasu is delaying everything to make a GRAND transition from Fate to Tsukihime, wouldn't it be, let's say, valid to also assume he will make some updates on Tsukihime Remake in a spectacular fashion on December 2020 like, let's say, was done with Extra Record? (if not the release?). This would also explains why the Lostbelts are taking so much more time between them lately, even though they have litterally no reason to take such delay (most of the content is already done for a lot of reasons that can be researched easily).
I will laugh my ass off if Lostbelt 6 or the new FGO opening have a reference to Tsukihime at some level (betting on some cameo of Archetype Earth). If that shit happens, than December 2020 the Remake will forcibly be made relevant again and litteraly all FGOfags will seethe because everything is being changed in spite of them kek. It wouldn't even surprise me if the so called FGO shutdown happened.

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