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/jp/ - Otaku Culture


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>> No.9567692 [View]
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you would be probably the first person on this planet who went to jail because of 1 onahole

>> No.9541126 [DELETED]  [View]
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This thread again

>> No.9495451 [View]
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now i remember this awful side scrolling game with them, i did never kill the last boss

>> No.9480673 [View]
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oh look is this thread again...

1 white guy says something racist = the whole white race is racist and should feel bad

1 black guy steals your bike - the whole black race are niggers and thief's

1 women cheats on her boyfriend = all women are whores

1 guy hits his women = all man are animals and should be put in prison

>/jp/ logic

nvm I apologize this isn't /jp/ logic its /v/ and this thread smells of /v/

>> No.9438003 [View]
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the 1 who has a penis

>> No.9431134 [DELETED]  [View]
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she looks like she got down syndrome on that image

>> No.9425089 [View]
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no he is implying that its better to live than to be dead

>> No.9381955 [View]
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God not this shit again.

>> No.9365429 [View]
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Incest is wrong, you have a much bigger chance that the child will have some genetic defects.

Its even weird if you have sexual fantasy to sleep with your sister , but if it stays just a fantasy and nothing more its fine.

Also this thread is awful and retarded.

>> No.9340479 [View]
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Don't tell me you guys are arguing about if women use "uhm".....

>> No.9254524 [View]
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>> No.9203617 [DELETED]  [View]
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>> No.9151397 [View]
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for real ?

>> No.9057377 [View]
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My face after coming back to check hows /jp/ doing.
I cant even recognize you anymore /jp/........

>> No.8910987 [View]
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you sure ?
Maybe we should , try to find out :O

>> No.8878350 [View]
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post proof

>> No.8873929 [View]
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Because OP wants to be rich and and did read a few wiki pages about how to open your own business.

>> No.8864122 [View]
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Hey guys I just took this 5 quiz question from wikipedia .....

>> No.8815783 [View]
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how about I bring you this
*grabs dick*

>> No.8797348 [View]
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but that's how it works in nova

>> No.8776431 [View]
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>then when they're alone you crawl into their bedroom and pose nakked on their bed

I did laugh so hard at this one lol
also guys don't be too evil to Witch 2, he didn't mean any harm , he just wanted to help.

>> No.8743669 [View]
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He means things like.
You help someone in need and you feel proud about it and happy that you helped someone.Or finishing university to make your parents proud and to show them respect that it was worth to rise you up.

anyway you guys should stop arguing about peoples life's.If someone enjoys his life and he isn't damaging others.Let him live and be happy.Forcing different opinions on others is never good.Accepting how others life without insulting them is much better.

>> No.8686409 [View]
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You are trying too hard kid.
Honestly no 1 above 18 would even use that often "fuck".
Does it makes you feel dark and edgy?

>> No.8607735 [View]
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Far away from that
I would say this year will be the most important in my life

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