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/jp/ - Otaku Culture


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>> No.9514370 [View]
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I actually cant follow you on this one.
You have to be honestly mega autistic to rage like a idiot if you see a avatar or trip code.I mean just to imagine some kid raging at such small things makes me wonder what did his parents do wrong or was it even their fault.

I am actually not angry on him or disappointed that he is behaving like that.Its same like with dogs, you cant complain if your dog is shitting all the time inside the house , the real fault is the owner who didn't teach the dog to shit outside.

In most cases I am blaming the parents that the didn't teach their children how to behave.

and I apologize inforward if I am comparing him and his parents to a dog and his owner but I think that's a good example

>> No.9484489 [View]
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I am so Otaku , I shit animes and mangas everyday

>> No.9445901 [View]
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at least he is entertaining somehow.
I just love the way he speaks

>> No.9422823 [View]
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I am so much Otaku that I shit animes and when I go to the restroom.

>> No.9383181 [View]
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some train stations have smoking cabins or a area for smokers

>> No.8916190 [View]
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oh did I hurt your feelings :( ?
What is it, you sad you cant have your retarded /b/ level shit about jews and nazis on /jp/ :(

Grow up kid and stop acting like a fucking idiot on the internet.This nazi/jew shit is maybe cool on /b/ or some other place but not on /jp/.

Also calling people on 4chan "foreigner"
now I am not even sure if you are retarded or a troll

>> No.8895644 [View]
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lol honestly you believe suicide pacts are otaku culture and should be posted on /jp/?

You see in your eyes I am maybe a worthless idiot, but at least I am not a idiot who spend his time crying on imageboard to suicide.You had your chance in this thread and not even 1 anon wanted to suicide with you together.

>> No.8786944 [View]
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but the wiki link told him he had all symptoms

>> No.8691682 [View]
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Someone give me a link with akbingo! episodes.
Youtube did take most off, also what are the most funny episodes ?

>> No.8609894 [View]
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Did someone go and visit the akb48 coffee shop?

>> No.8508200 [View]
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Well 1 of the main hobby's of Koreans is to be mad and claim that you invented everything.

>> No.8456737 [View]
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thank you, going to hit the bed for now, will watch it tomorrow :)

>> No.8443530 [View]
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She was w8ing for you OP , you didnt came last night to take her on a date

>> No.8429743 [View]
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/v/ users are the most awful , next to /b/

>> No.7250977 [View]
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I want you /jp/
don don don

>> No.7247393 [View]
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the soldiers of /jp/
and peasants of /jp/
will not support your revolution

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