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>> No.45396408 [View]
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>> No.44804636 [View]
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we need more Reimu's angles in Hana's story, would certainly make things more hurtful
>Baby's first TRUE fight against a Youkai

Instead of a slow and drawn-out investigation like what Hana has been dealing with until now, such as devious squirrels or a lost man in a ditch, it's a sudden and out-of-the-blue call to action.

Desperate villagers run up to Hana, imploring for help. She barely has time to prepare, the villagers saying a Youkai has just killed a man.

Hana rushes to confront the Youkai, and is met with a scene of horror. Not only the single reported man but he and his family were slaughtered inside their own house. The villagers didn't stay close to test their luck, so she went into the situation with barely any info about the enemy.

Their house is smeared with blood everywhere, furniture destroyed and scattered, a general feeling of dread heaving the air; at the center of the living room, devouring the cadavers while singing a lullaby, what seems to be a blonde little girl.

She turns with the noise of the creaking door, munching on a femur. They make eye contact for three long moments before the girl gulps down the meat and smiles, teeth like those of sharks and red eyes.

"Hi--" Hana doesn't give the girl time to talk, so jumpy with the sudden show of violence, she immediately throws her ofudas. Rumia dodges with ease, dropping the femur. Her clothes and mouth are stained with red, "That's not cool! I was eating that!"

Perhaps noting that attacking the youkai with no plan is a bad idea, Hana remembers bitterly her Mother's training and decides to buy herself time by talking;

"Why did you kill those people?"

"It's that time of the year for Rumia!"

What the...?

"Rumia gets SOOOO hungry this time of the year! She feels like eating a horse, but a horse wouldn't satisfy Rumia -- she already tried that!" She laughs for some reason. Hana's cold sweating, the gohei almost slipping from her grasp. "Well, can I get back to my food?"

"Y-You can't do that," she stuttered.

"But Rumia needs to, she's SOOOOOOOO hungry! She can't sleep being so hungry! That's the deal."

... Deal?

Feeling the conversation has just reached a brick wall, Hana readies herself, heart beating at the top of her throat; "You'll pay for the lives you have taken..."

Rumia stares for long seconds, but a grin surges in her mouth.

"There was nothing in the deal about people trying to kill Rumia, so this just means a fifth meal! Yay~!"

Suddenly, the air was hefty with unbelievable pressure, dark sigils circling her and what seemed a lot like mud, but dark as void, dripping from Rumia. Her eyes shone red in the darkness and highlighted a hungry smile, but also something Hana had never felt before but would later recognize as a simple yet effective thing: killing intention.

Rumia was the first person she ever met who had actual intentions of ending her life. Hana froze.

Rumia didn't.

There was no staring, no moment of awaiting who'd act first...

Within one moment, Rumia was right at her face, the Spellcard Rules forgotten because she didn't see Hana as an opponent but rather as food.

Then, a gohei slaps Rumia on the face with such force it breaks the air barrier and sends the Darkness Youkai to the other side of the house at crashing speeds, the small frame of the youkai destroying the walls and hitting the treeline two hundred meters away with enough force to lift a cloud of smoke and debris. Hana stared at it all, completely bewildered, just now noticing how hard she gripped her gohei and how fast her heart beat.

She looked to her side, to Mother, and it was like she was 10 again.

"... That's Rumia, the Youkai of Darkness," Reimu said, cleaning the black blood from her gohei with a swing. "Every year or so, she gets to eat four humans. Otherwise, that seal on her hair, the red and white ribbon, breaks, and then she becomes a true problem for Gensokyo and the Outside World. No, we cannot kill her. I had to discover that alone..." Reimu stares at Hana from the corner of her eye, judgmental, but something clicks, and they soften. It looks like nostalgia. "Never forget what balance is to a Hakurei Miko; it's not killing all youkai you see or defending every human..." the feeling lasts only a moment before she points the gohei to the half-eaten family of four. "That's her quota. Keep track of it from now on, Hana: Rumia is not the only one."

Reimu then walks off to talk with the youkai, all while Hana stays there, tense like a rod, eyes wide and unsure of how to feel.

A single thought crosses Hana's mind as she sees her Mother and the Youkai of Darkness talking, Rumia's sulking, and Reimu looking like this situation is just another angle of her job for her to take care of: "That look on her face... She has been in my place before. I wonder if she got the same help I just did."

>> No.44788143 [SPOILER]  [View]
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Could you imagine being Anon on this scenario? For over sixteen years you've been trapped in an abusive marriage with a wife that abused you physically, emotionally, and sexually. Nobody wants to step in to help you and you make excuses for Reimu anyways. That is until the day your lovely daughter gives you the push you needed to escape. So you start a new life in the village. You no longer have to be afraid in your own home, you reconnect with old friends. However, it always feels like you're just drifting through life, and something is just around the corner. Then it happens.

You never expected Yukari to make her move. After the cryptic warning she gave to you all those years ago, she was content to ignore the state of your marriage and pop in when she needed to talk to Reimu. So she she appeared suddenly in your home one day and dragged you off into a gap. Before you can even think to fight back, you've been bound, blindfolded, gagged and naked to a chair. You feel her touch on your body. Memories of many awful nights come flooding back at her touch. As you thrash and scream through your gag, you are soon broken off by the sting of a hard slap on your face. "Behave" Yukari commands. You stop resisting as she continues to toy with your body.

That is until you hear your daughter's voice and your heart freezes up. She can't see you like this, the many bruises and scars given to you by Reimu tell how deep her abuse went, and if she says you being.....It would destroy her. Yukari doesn't care.

But it doesn't end when Yukari has her fun, of course not. You learn this is your new life, some sort of twisted punishment for leaving your wife. You live here in this building. Whenever a woman wants to, she can enter, put on her own Hakurei outfit made for her, and have her way with you. You long learned to not resist it in any way. You wonder why she put in all this effort for this. There must be outfits for every woman in Gensokyo here, all custom made for the owner. How many strings did she pull to get something so blatantly illegal and immoral set up in the village? Why would any of them go along with it? You can't be too surprised that some youkai would like the chance to violate the shrine maiden's husband and get away with it, but so many of your customers are human. How can they be okay with this? Did they easily swallow some lie told to then, or did they just not care?

As the days drew on, you still had hope you would be saved. You wanted to return to your life where you could come home after a day of work and only worry about having dinner ready for your daughter. You wanted to go on nature walks with Marisa, try out new restaurants with Sanae, learn new recipes with Sakuya. You still thought that one day the doors would be thrown open, your resistants undone and you would be given an sincere apology and reimbursement for all that happened.

That is until the day Hana visits you. When it dawned on you she's not there to save you, you give up all hope and let her approach.

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