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/jp/ - Otaku Culture


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>> No.43290798 [View]
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Hello nijibrony
> Nijis explaining Valorant to Subaru
> "heee, so whoever makes the bomb explodes wins, something like that?" - Subaru
> *dead silence* (only Naraka knows FPS and she just completely went quiet for some reason)
> "Uhhh I guess we should stop this line of conversation" - Subaru, everyone laughs
> "The talk meshed so badly that I was surprised, my apologies." - Subaru
> "For now, I'll try to read the room before making conversation again." - Subaru, everyone laughs again.
> Subaru asks if Nijisanji provides lunch for official programs, if they do she wanted to use that to push that to management for Hololive to do that as well.
> Niji does not, everyone buys lunch or brings it from home, same as holo.
> Subaru again asks if there's any snacks that you eat right before recording. Holo has R1 Yoghurt and powdered Corn soup in the changing room that everyone pours hot water and slurps on, or stuff like koucha (tea) packs.
> "There's nothing like that." - both
> "EH!?" - Subaru
> "Maybe drinks like Ayataka or Irohasu." - Rena
> "Can you choose between the two!?" - Subaru
> "I guess I'll tell that to management as well, we only get regular water." - Subaru
> She then proceeds to proselytize the greatness of Pocari to both of them.
> "Do you guys take regular health checkups?" - Subaru
> "I do" - Naraka, "I don't" - Rena
> The other two urging her to go, Rena scared of Hospitals.
> More bantz, Ars comes in.
> Subaru ultra polite, tells her to give her a chat if there's bad stuff happening on the stream. Rena and Naraka act hurt, saying "hmmm, so we were doing something bad huh" etc. more bantz.
> Subaru segues this into about Su-gyaku (Subaru "bullying") becoming popular in Hololive, about the minecraft kintama pranks and Nene's pranks.
> Asks if this type of thing has happened in Nijisanji. "No..." says everyone.
> "But it might start from now on! Thanks to Subaru's inspiration!" - Ars
> "PLEASE DON'T, I'll have to go around and do Dogeza to everyone in Nijisanji if that happens." - Subaru
> Rena reassures her, talks about all the open "lewd jokes" in the niji server.
> Conversation about when they are more active (morning, night etc.), more Subaru bullying.
> Talks about how she has blended in well with this group.
> Subaru thought no one else would come and it'd just end up being Rena and her.
> Ars and Naraka try to fake leaving them both alone, more Subaru bullying.
> "Nijisanji folks, what do you do guys during off-days? Do you guys play games and stuff on off-days?" - Subaru
> "In hololive, right now I'm addicted to daifugou (card game) so we all gather up during night time and play daifugou" - Subaru
> "Gathering, meaning at someone's house?" - Ars, "Yes" - Subaru
go to someone's home and play daifugu all night - Subaru
> "EEH!? Sugoi!" - Rena and Naraka. "I wasn't called though!" - Rena.
> "You can come if you want Rena!" - Subaru.
> "Nijisanji folks do not go out, period!" - Naraka.
> "EH is that so!? I had the image of everyone being outgoing.. ah.. is that so." - Subaru
> "Everyone just does their own thing, all separately." - Naraka
> "Eeeh, so games and stuff you guys play though discord only?" - Subaru
> "Yes" - Niji girls
> "Ah I guess there's some people like that in hololive as well." - Subaru
> "Anyway, Daifugou is really fun so please join if you're interested." - Subaru
> Rena says they should do Uno as well, Subaru says that's fun too, Rena says they can all play online.
> Talks about another card game she played with Towa and some others, and how Towa's eyes were moving around when she had to lie. Subaru says "You can meet people like that, so let's meet up you guys!".
> "Let's meet up at Subaru's house then." - Rena. "Sure" - Subaru. "Such an extrovert" - everyone.
> "If we went she would definitely say 'ah sorry, is it ok if I call my holofriends as well?', she's definitely the type to call the friends of her friends over!" - Naraka
> "I won't! I'll call them if you guys are ok with it, but I won't do you guys like that!" - Subaru
> Discussion about introverts and extroverts within their group.
> Subaru recommends everyone wears tracksuits to recordings etc., says Steve Jobs was the same. Talk about Rena being the only one who dresses up girlishly with full makeup.
> "Holo girls meet up pretty often, for me it's like 'family' or 'friends' or 'siblings' or 'neighbors' with how much we meet up." - Subaru
> "The number of people are pretty small, so we often meet up with the same members multiple times." - Subaru

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