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/jp/ - Otaku Culture


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>> No.9680995 [View]
File: 2 KB, 502x329, 712567-japaneseflag[1].gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Has anybody here taken a gap year in Japan? I'm really interested in this whole gap-year idea, and if I were to go to another country, just guess where I'd go.
Glorious Nihon.

If you have, how did you find the expenses? Did you get a job, or just bring cash?
I know basic 'survival' Japanese, so disregard that.

>> No.7256935 [View]
File: 2 KB, 502x329, Japan-Flag.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5330058 [DELETED]  [View]
File: 2 KB, 502x329, 1D695002D1D84F149E1E3029FC352C3B.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why is Japan the best country?

>> No.3745871 [View]
File: 2 KB, 502x329, 22.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Japanese flag or a girl having her period?

>> No.2298778 [View]
File: 2 KB, 502x329, JAPAN.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't mind me, just being the greatest country in the world.

>> No.940536 [View]
File: 2 KB, 502x329, 1D695002D1D84F149E1E3029FC352C3B.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am japanese.

Please go to this site and read it.

Our true aspect was not written in the article.

Neither the chance of the protest nor the chance of the correction
are given to us.
And, the voice of our protest tries to be destroyed now.
Mainichi Shimbun is putting the press restriction.
The image, animation, and sentences etc. of our protest have been deleted.
They try to conceal the fact.

We hate rape.
It’s the same as you.

We will angry if anyone called a prostitute our mother.
It’s the same as you.

Mainichi Shimbun apologized to the Japanese.
However, they stick out the tongue in foreign countries and are
ridiculing us.

We are not prostitutes.
We are not the right-wing groups.
We are Japanese races.

We also have patriotism.
It takes pride in Japanese we.
And, we love Japan.

Please know that it is not our culture that Mainichi Shimbun was reported.

>> No.891629 [View]
File: 2 KB, 502x329, 1D695002D1D84F149E1E3029FC352C3B.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The most beautiful flag.
The best country.
Makes sense.

>> No.670177 [View]
File: 2 KB, 502x329, flag.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why is it that Japanese students study so hard and yet don't have good universities? I mean, I know somebody who's going to Harvard who is lazy as fuck- 16 schools ahead of Japans #1 university. Source:

>> No.587316 [View]
File: 2 KB, 502x329, flag.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey /jp/, I just found the best grease monkey script yet.

>AA font in /jp/

>Enhances the authentic Japanese imageboard experience in 4chan's /jp/ board by displaying all
posts with a SJIS art compatible font.


Then again it may get cluttered.
Also test.

  ,.-''"¨ ̄¨`' ‐ 、
    )  (    
    ( *゜ー゜)
.     ̄ ̄

>> No.587310 [View]
File: 2 KB, 502x329, flag.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

 \/: /: : : /: /: : : : : : /: /: : |: : : : l: : : ヽ}   \
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: /  |       / |  /⌒/L「\.   |       ./ /  | |

Hey /jp/, I just found the best grease monkey script yet.

>AA font in /jp/

>Enhances the authentic Japanese imageboard experience in 4chan's /jp/ board by displaying all posts with a SJIS art compatible font.

>> No.407086 [View]
File: 2 KB, 502x329, 1207524197517.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ching chong Nip Nong tried to milk a cow
Ching chong Nip Nong didn't know how
Ching chong Nip Nong pulled the wrong tit
Ching chong Nip Nong covered in shit

>> No.313127 [View]
File: 2 KB, 502x329, flag.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How open to outsiders are the Japanese exactly?

I'm currently attending college and thinking of studying abroad next year and Tokyo is one of my choices.

I'm black by the way. (Sans the ebonics, criminality, and idiocy commonly associated with my race) I've lived abroad roughly half my life and pick up languages and customs pretty quickly, but the furthest east I've been is Istanbul.

>> No.306774 [View]
File: 2 KB, 502x329, flag.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Attention mods!

The /jp/ experiment has been somewhat of a success I think you'll agree. Now it's clear we have established some key and totally unrelated sub-boards that need to be established.

/fig/ - This board will serve for anime figures, dolls and the like. This boad will need to be NSFW

/touhou/ - This board will be for all the touhou fans. This board can be relaxed SFW (like /jp/)

/jp/ - Yes that's right, this board needs to remain, but free from touhou and fig/dolls

As for the morning musume and jpop stuff, it would fit nicely in /cgl/ (Cosplay/Jpop/EGL)

You know it makes sense

>> No.298183 [View]
File: 2 KB, 502x329, flag.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ITT we learn to swear in Japanese:

Baka = Fuck you and your family
Manko = Dirty smelly cunt whore
Chinchin = Giant unwashed penis

>> No.272597 [View]
File: 2 KB, 502x329, flag.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh mother tell your children
Not to do what I have done
Spend your lives in sin and misery
In the House of the Rising Sun

>> No.240594 [View]
File: 2 KB, 502x329, flag.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I live in Japan, while you merely fap to that idea. My everyday train rides and watching anime raw on TV are your wildest fap material as you rot in your cheap apartments or parent's basements alone.

>> No.155943 [View]
File: 2 KB, 502x329, flag.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey guys, there are several links about/I've heard about disturbing Japanese phenomenona. Aren't they disgusting savages, unlike us? Anyway, I though I should let you know.

>> No.39041 [View]
File: 2 KB, 502x329, flag.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Japan might have the political structure of a democratic nation, but it is at the same time a fiercely carnivorous society of class in which the weak are devoured by the strong, and unless you become one of the elite, there is no point in living in that country.

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