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>> No.47080935 [View]
File: 1.85 MB, 3275x3000, __junko_hecatia_lapislazuli_hecatia_lapislazuli_and_hecatia_lapislazuli_touhou_drawn_by_neold__b307b39fbb5b03506e47f938ec23009c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Yukari may have her differences from Maribel, but they're fundamentally the same person
Do you think Maribel is fundamentally the kind of person who would condemn humans to live in ignorance and fear in order to sustain her little menagerie?
>Junko hating the Lunarians is pure fanon

>Junko hates Chang'e.
>Consequently, she also hates the Lunarians, to whom Chang'e belongs to.
She does hate the Lunarians as a whole for sheltering Chang'e. They make themselves complicit by siding with her against Junko instead of just giving her up for justice.
>...that said, though, her hatred of Chang'e is mostly due to Junko's influence anyway.
Hecatia dislikes the Lunarians for her own reasons, but as per her profile her hatred of Chang'e seems to be mostly because of Junko.
Personally, I believe that while Hecatia does think the Lunarians are shitty assholes, she wouldn't take action against them on her own, as they're ultimately really just doing their own thing (also explaining Eirin's apparent unfamiliarity with her).
However, in line with Hecate's involvement in the Rape of Persephone (one of the very few notable myths Hecate features in), and support of Demeter, Hecatia just has a weakness against mothers who are super fucking pissed about their child being taken from them, which is why she's so supportive of Junko, even when she lets go of her grudge for the time at the end of the game.

>> No.45807548 [View]
File: 1.85 MB, 3275x3000, __junko_hecatia_lapislazuli_hecatia_lapislazuli_and_hecatia_lapislazuli_touhou_drawn_by_neold__b307b39fbb5b03506e47f938ec23009c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>And [Asteria] conceived and bore Hecate whom Zeus the son of Cronos honored above all. He gave her splendid gifts, to have a share of the earth and the unfruitful sea. She received honor also in starry heaven, and is honored exceedingly by the deathless gods. For to this day, whenever any one of men on earth offers rich sacrifices and prays for favor according to custom, he calls upon Hecate. Great honor comes full easily to him whose prayers the goddess receives favorably, and she bestows wealth upon him; for the power surely is with her. For as many as were born of Earth and Ocean amongst all these she has her due portion. The son of Cronos did her no wrong nor took anything away of all that was her portion among the former Titan gods: but she holds, as the division was at the first from the beginning, privilege both in earth, and in heaven, and in sea.
Zeus thought his cousin with the unique shirt was super cool, basically. Unlike most of the other gods, she didn't really have a specific domain she was lord and master of, but got a little bit of everything, instead, putting her everywhere and nowhere all at once. She's also genuinely nice, as seen with stuff like her helping Demeter look for her daughter after Hades abducted her. Maybe Junko reminds her of that.
It's honestly funny how much Hesiod shills her despite not being all that important to the mythology. She's like an ancient Mary Sue.
>Once, Hermes chased Hecate (or Persephone) with the aim to rape her; but the goddess snored or roared in anger, frightening him off so that he desisted, hence her earning the name "Brimo" ("angry").
Also, the Olympians *really* didn't want to make her angry. Zeus-kun probably knew better than to push his luck.

>> No.45158001 [View]
File: 1.85 MB, 3275x3000, __junko_hecatia_lapislazuli_hecatia_lapislazuli_and_hecatia_lapislazuli_touhou_drawn_by_neold__b307b39fbb5b03506e47f938ec23009c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Junko/Hecatia oneshot. (1/2)

"Ugh, it's just no fun anymore, ya know?"
Far away from Gensokyo, four women are bemoaning their current situation under the influence of sake.
Or rather, one woman listens diligently to her friend of three bodies.
"There used to be always something fun going on. Like, youkai making trouble, or a bunch of festivals, or fairies pulling elaborate pranks, or even just people getting wasted and having fun, but now they're all like "I wanna have Anon pump my womb full of cum again", "Don't forget about the big orgy at the HSE tomorrow", or "I'm so glad that I got to have Anon's child". It's all so boring in Gensokyo now."
"Well, all of these things will pass, too. It is just one incident amongst many, and when Yakumo's little house of cards falls apart, I am sure things will go back to normal soon enough."
"I am surprised that you never went there yourself, however. You are usually rather enjoy open about enjoying the labors of those men and women of ill repute."
When the pure being asks this of her long-time friend, the gaudily dressed goddess of hell responds with an indignant expression on her faces.
"Woah there, Junko, what do you take me for? This is totally different. Totally. The peeps I visit actually choose to do this, and most of 'em really enjoy their jobs. Yukarin's not running a real whorehouse, she just turned a guy into a slave. It's a seriously nasty fucking place."
"Besides, they make you wear one of those totally unfashionable shrine maiden outfits, and that's just so not my style."
Junko chuckles a little when she realizes her friend's true priorities.
"Well, if you find the place to be so distasteful, why do you not simply break it all up? There is no way Yakumo could hope to stand up against you, after all."
"Simply do as you did with that place that was taking humans from the outside world and forcing them to work there. From what I hear, the crater is still smoldering even now."
"That was different. Totally different. They hadn't given up yet, and clearly did everything they could to defy the bastards who enslaved them."
"When one of 'em asked me for help, I knew they would be fine after I sent them back home, and there was no way I was gonna leave them be."
"Anon's just hopeless. All the women I talked to just went on and on about how he meekly goes along with anything, as if he has no will of his own. I've got zero respect for a dude without any balls like that."
"Well, I guess he must have literal balls if he keeps cumming inside all those women, but like, he definitely doesn't have the more important kind left."
Feeling as if her friend has rambled on long enough, Junko speaks up.
"Come now, you are hardly being fair to him. There is nothing he can do about his current situation. I am sure that once he has been freed, he will be able to stand up for himself again."
"He just needs a little time to himself and the support of his daughter, and I am sure he will be able to overcome even this experience."
"Oh, come oooon. We both know that he's just gonna go back to his bitch of a wife, or one of the skanks who've been fucking him, or if not that, try to be a dad to all the kids he unwillingly sired with just about half of Gensokyo. He just can't help himself. He's always far too concerned with others to think about his own well-being."
"Do not be so ridiculous, Hecatia. That is his finest quality. For all of his faults, he has always sought to be a wonderful father."
"Sure, sure. I bet he sincerely cares about all of his unfortunate spawn. But even if he wants to, he can't be a dad to all of those kids. He'd just run himself ragged trying to be involved with all of them until he collapses, never once considering his own needs. He'd just destroy himself completely."
"I really thought things were looking up for him for a while when he finally ditched Reimu and left for the village, y'know? Even thought about visiting. Just pop in, give him a pat on the ass, and commend him for finally standing up for himself. But then some psycho bitch of a youkai pulled some crazy shit and now he's totally done for. I don't see any way things are gonna get better for him now."
Dismissively shaking her head at Anon's hopelessness, Hecatia pours herself more sake as Junko takes the word.

>> No.45119655 [View]
File: 1.85 MB, 3275x3000, __junko_hecatia_lapislazuli_hecatia_lapislazuli_and_hecatia_lapislazuli_touhou_drawn_by_neold__b307b39fbb5b03506e47f938ec23009c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Never. She just wants to kill Chang'e. The other Lunarians only matter because they stand in the way of that goal, but she otherwise couldn't give less of a shit about them.

>> No.44922740 [View]
File: 1.85 MB, 3275x3000, __junko_hecatia_lapislazuli_hecatia_lapislazuli_and_hecatia_lapislazuli_touhou_drawn_by_neold__b307b39fbb5b03506e47f938ec23009c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nah, it's quite the opposite, in fact.
Junko's entire plan in LoLK revolved around using her power to pump up the fairies' impurity-generating abilities to untold levels, since the Lunarians cannot cope with that.
She *is* pure sex, however.

>> No.44530789 [View]
File: 1.85 MB, 3275x3000, __junko_hecatia_lapislazuli_hecatia_lapislazuli_and_hecatia_lapislazuli_touhou_drawn_by_neold__b307b39fbb5b03506e47f938ec23009c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If yuri is a sin, then the Yama-sama's sentence must last until the heat death of the universe.

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