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>> No.12269668 [View]
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I got to the point where I was only logging in for the beastmen dailies (fucking why) and roulette. I got all my crafts to 50, got WHM and SCH to 50, was in a FC that got a house and never even bothered with Coil. I forced myself through the main scenario and by the end I just wanted it to end, fuck. I usually actually pay close attention to the stories in games, but somewhere after the Titan story arc I just started skipping them all because I knew it was just going to be a series of item/person fetching.

I even tried leveling up Lancer so I could get Blood for Blood (so I could play Bard or Monk or whatever) and I didn't make it past 30, rotations are so fucking boring. I don't know how people do it, at least healing is reactive. Scripted encounters also got very old very quickly.

Maybe I'm just permanently burned out on MMOs, after playing XI from NA PC launch to shortly after Adoulin launch. I sincerely hope you guys have more fun than I did, I think the potential is there at least.

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