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>> No.37651645 [View]
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Summarized from: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gyjLZ5Ir29k

>Shion was really easy to talk to so her generally shyness didn't act up(3:05)
She does her greeting and asks the chat if they checked out Shion's birthday where she appeared. They say they did and she continues by saying that this was probably the first time they've ever had a 3D just the two of them, especially in the sense of meeting up and planning something like this. She laughs and begins talking about when they met up, where Pekora would greet Shion in a bright mood mentioning that it has been a long time since whereas Shion reacted in surprise at Pekora being so cheerful since she figured Pekora would be more reserved considering her usual anxiety.
Pekora is amused at being known for being so shy that she will even be told something like that, but Pekora says that Shion is very easy to talk to and it is a bit surprising for Pekora since even if they've had collabs before and occasions to talk, they haven't been that numerous but despite that she felt very easy to talk to. Essentially because of this her regular shyness didn't rear its ugly head.
She brings up that she thinks she was correct on the Mario Kart collab being the first one right? It'd be pretty bad if she was wrong on that one considering how she acted. Her impression was very strong of it being a Mario Kart collab because she remembers their first collab as being a case of being smug against each other, both declaring themselves to be the better player.

>Goro-nyan's castration and his balls having the texture of gummy(5:55)
She changes topic after saying that it was a lot of fun to be invited and to sing together with Shion by saying that this conversation she is about to bring up is surely something everyone has been waiting for, and that is that today their family cat underwent a castration procedure, and it was a complete success and Goro-nyan is currently in high spirits. Speaking of his balls, she laughs a bit at having to say balls and wonders if it is alright but settles on that the pet shop called them that so she'll go with it, but in any case she was a bit worried about having to bring them back with them after them getting snipped but they are still attached to him. Well it seems like there are various kinds of castration methods and since a regular cutting procedure means a wound, the risk of him licking the wound and getting adverse effects from that, so it seems he was given a procedure didn't involve a scalpel so no cutting actually happened.
She snickers and says that his butt area was shaved of its fur, most likely to make the procedure easier, so when they got home and he was happy to get home she complimented him on enduring it and as soon as he turned around his balls were right there in plain sight. She laughs at retelling this and expresses that she was surprised to see that they were still attached to him since she figured they would be removed but seems like he was castrated without the need for that.
He was feeling completely fine and she had figured he'd be more tired but no, furthermore the feel of his balls were like gummy she says, a bouncy sort of tactile feeling.*

*Yes she actually says this and no she doesn't elaborate further on why she touched his balls, furthermore the description of the waiting room had this line: "Gummy is delicious isn't it?" which was a mystery at first but makes sense after she told this story.


>> No.37623469 [View]
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Lack of BGM was great, hearing her struggle with Goro-nyan and finally hearing him purr was cute too. The smartphone mic also really adds a lot, making it feel like you're in a call with her or something. Also her just going through the hashtag and looking at cute animal pictures was great.

>> No.37420006 [View]
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Yep, lots of great streams although that's true every month. The undoukai was great, I'm really happy she's been enjoying Pokemon so much, Goro-nyan has had a really positive impact on her, and it's great that all the preparation for the live has made her want to try to continue dance lessons.

She's a lot better at dealing with her occasional throat issues than she used to be, I wouldn't worry about it too much.

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