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>> No.44556284 [View]
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And from behind me, a cascade of blonde hair hit my face. I shook my head, trying to dislodge some of it, then looked up into yellow eyes. "Hey, hey, hey!" Said Lady Hecatia Lapislazuli. She was leaning right over the top of the chair I was sat in, and I could see little else for all the hair in my eyes. After a moment where I mostly stared at her with my mouth agape, she stood up straight, then stepped around so I could see her from the front. "Wow, it's barely been long at all, but it feels like months, huh?" I think I said 'Uh-huh', but it might have been a cry for help. In my current state, I wasn't sure I was capable of talking to Hecatia Lapislazuli. "Right, so, this lovely baku here has asked me to come and..." She froze. "Doremy?"

Doremy cleared her throat again, and this time I think I detected a hint of annoyance. "Come and sort out his crossroads problem, Lady Hecatia." I wasn't aware I had a crossroads problem, and I wanted to wake up. "And please don't trap anyone else in the Dream World." She waved lazily, then hopped off the pink cloud she was sitting on and fell out of view.

"Aw, she's so mean to me." Lady Hecatia said. "Okay, okay, I think I remember the gist of this. But first - How are you!?" She looked very excited to see me, but I was starting to find her energy a little overwhelming. "Junko said she hadn’t seen you for a while, and there’s a weird youkai living in your house. I thought you might have died for a moment. How are those t-shirts I made for you? I started a brand, y'know! It's totally a major hit in Hell and Former Hell!" After telling her that I'd seen someone wearing one, I decided that I couldn't hide the truth from her, so I mumbled that two of them had disappeared after my house had been raided. "Huh? Aw, but that's so unfair! I made them to your size too!" She patted me on the shoulder. "But don't you worry, I'll make you more if you come visit me again. " I mumbled a thank you, but wondered when I would get the chance.

Lady Hecatia finally calmed down and looked at me closer. "So, I remembered. And I expect that you don't know much about me, do ya?" I only really knew what Miss Junko had told me, so I shook my head. "Nah, not many do. S'okay. But I'm more than just the goddess of Hell. One of my domains is crossroads, you see." I slowly asked if she meant forks in the road. "Well, sometimes. But more specifically, you might call me a liminal goddess. A transition of states might describe it best. From consciousness to unconsciousness, from new to old, or...from the familiar to the unfamiliar."

Several things slotted into place in my mind at once. Doremy's mentions of my dreams of a specific youkai. Just about everything Reimu had done to me lately. "Ooh, looks like something's coming together." She poked me in the forehead. "I'd invite you home, but your physical body is still in the Shrine and your dream self can't leave here. So let's talk, huh?" I wasn't all too sure what to say, but I found that I...did trust Lady Hecatia, at least slightly. She was very energetic and given that she had three bodies, it was a bit confusing to talk to her, but I did get the sense that she listened to what I was saying.

In the end, I did talk. I told her about the way my life had gone since I'd met her that day. She listened all the way through, and she never seemed bored, which did full me with a strange sort of pride. Finally, when she did speak, it was quietly. "You humans sure don't do things by half, huh?" I shrugged since I didn't really know how gods did things differently. "Still, that's certainly a crossroad, and therefore under my domain." I asked her what that meant. "In your case? Guidance. A prayer or two goes a long way for an old goddess like me." I still didn't really understand what this crossroad was about. "Familiar to unfamiliar was right. Well, don't worry too much. Kinda hard to understand when you're in the moment, y'see." Lady Hecatia raised her arms in a shrug and shook her head. "So, there's a choice in front of you and you need to make a decision. Not an easy decision, but the ones that matter rarely are." I asked her what she thought I should do. "Ah, well, that isn't up to me. Your decision, your choice. But, what I can tell you is that you haven't thought things out fully." I frowned. I hadn't expected this conversation. I hadn't expected to wind up in the Dream World either. Lady Hecatia took a seat on another small hill of fluffy, pink clouds and crossed her legs. She rested her chin on her hand with a thoughtful look on her face. "Here's some advice: You need to think about your mind. Which part of you wants what outcome? How different are they? Can you find a solution that pleases every part of you?" I opened my mouth, but Lady Hecatia shook her head. "Don't answer now. You'll need to think on it, but I'll say this. A decision like this goes both ways. Don't make the mistake of thinking that you're the only one who's life might change."

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