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>> No.14908717 [View]
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Chapter Three : The sound of Myusic

"Give it bwack !" you say angrily.
Flan2 frowns.
"But, Bwig Shish, thish ij Fwan'j eajy tweasuwe !"
"Wemiwia shaw it firsht ! Give it bwack !" you order.
Flan2 puffs up, tears forming in her eyes.
"Why ij Bwig Shish sho mean ? Bwig Shish ij an uneajy yukkuwi and shmellj like poo-poo !"

Flan2 turns her back, and starts kicking Mister Pebble towards your cardboard box home, a few alleys further. You're angry and frustrated, but you know she won't listen to you. You can't get the treasure back for now except by using violence, and you don't want to hurt your Widdle Shish.

"Then Wemiwia ij gwonna fwind a bettew tweajuwe ! A Fwan will be showwy ! Uu !" your yell at her back. She doesn't respond, and keeps going.

You have no real idea where to go now that you're alone. It's actually the furthest you've ever gone, just a few alleys from the box. You're only a few days old, but predators mature more quickly than regular yukkuris. You feel you can go even further. Mwommy told you what lies beyond this alley : a place called Mister Street, filled with mister humans by day, and yukkuris by night. She's told you not to interact with the former, as they're uneasy, and not edible.
It's around noon, in broad daylight : despite all the warning, Mister Street calls to your soul. It's only logical that the most dangerous places will contain the most beautiful mister treasures, after all.
You begin bouncing in the direction of the street. Soon, you hear the activity : human voices, human footsteps. You see their legs from afar, clad in pants and skirts.
As you exit the alley, you find yourself on the pavement of a busy street. There are humans everywhere : young, old, male, female. Mothers pushing their strollers, young men fixated upon their mobile phones, old women gossiping. On the sides of the street, you see cafés, shops, street vendors.
"Uu !" you go, fascinated by this new vision.

But noone notices you. You're a small baby Remilia in a world of giants minding their own business.
You hear a familiar sound, however.
"Yu, yuyu ~"
"Yu, Easy, easy ! ~"
"Chake id eajy ! ~"

Yukkuri voices. Reimu voices. Not far from you, between the café and the hairdresser, back against the wall, a small band of yukkuris is performing. A large one, the mother, surrounded by her young children, are singing. In front of them is a small wooden bowl, with a few bits of shiny metal inside.
"Lishen to Mwommy'j eajy shong !" a small one announces.
"Dwon'ch fowget to shpawe a coin !" another adds.
The mother takes a deep breath, and starts singing.
"Yu ~ Yuyuyu ~Easy ~Take it easy ~ Yuyuyu ~"

You stand there, fascinated. To you, this is beautiful. You stare as a young girl stops, and drops a small ring of metal in the bowl.
"Only twen yenj ? Dwon't be sho cheap !" a child Reimu complains.
"Give at weasht a hundwed !"
"Ad weasht a thoujand !"
"Don't be rude, little ones ! Be grateful to Miss Human !" their mother interrupts them.
The girl smiles and leave, and the whole family starts singing again. All these shiny metal bits... They look like wonderful treasures.

To you, it's the first time you're able to see Reimus as yukkuris, and not only as food. Their singing fascinates you, and you want to get closer to them, but you're also feeling kind of hungry.
Also, didn't Mwommy tell you not to venture into Mister Street by daylight ?

a) Approach the Reimu family casually.

b) Try to sneak and eat one of the young ones.

c) Go back the Scawlet Devil Manshion (aka mister cardboard home)


>> No.9881728 [View]
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>> No.9566276 [SPOILER]  [View]
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>> No.7679657 [View]
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>> No.7236738 [View]
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>> No.5659659 [View]
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So, if yukkuri poop is really bean paste, wouldn't it be economical to domesticate yukkuri and eat their poop?

>> No.2727010 [View]
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>> No.1897915 [View]
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What are the names of the characters?
I can't read moon and the patch doesn't have the names in english so I need to know what the names are.

I know the main characters name is Siera.
And I know that one of the characters name is Rishiel which I suspect to be the shaman but I'm not sure.

yukkuri not related.

>> No.1235822 [View]
File: 46 KB, 400x500, 1220314324491.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/r/ing page 3 of this with a remirya farting on the reimus. It got translated but I never saved it.

>> No.1228246 [View]
File: 46 KB, 400x500, 1219333117733.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How many japanese all girl ska bands are there?
Pic related, I'm takin it easy.

>> No.1214138 [View]
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I'm surprised there's no part two where they are horribly crushed.

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