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>> No.16339998 [View]
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All pets can be relevant later on.

There's just a couple of considerations to keep in mind though when choosing a pet. Ease of training, bit flags, and skill dumps. There are probably other considerations people have but those are my personal big three.

Ease of training a pet largely revolves around a pet's INI score. The higher the INI score, the harder it is to train the pet to become stronger. Pet's with high INI scores spend more gold when visiting their trainers to recover attribute and skill potential. I remember one pet I had on my previous character that spent around 100k in gold each time she visited her trainer because her INI score was so high. Recovering potential is important for proper skill and attribute growth so pets need to be given gold. So if you're broke, like most of us when starting out, a high INI pet is not doing you any favors. They require lots of money to keep getting stronger.

A pet's INI score also determines ease of getting AP. Again, higher INI pets have a harder time getting AP. They need to fight stronger monsters from the very start to get AP compared to low INI pets. AP is a very valuable to a pet because you can trade in AP to an NPC named Leold for speed upgrades, special abilities/attacks, and for bonus points to level up your pet's skills. A pet with low INI will have an easier time gaining AP thus they will probably rise in skill level, speed, etc faster than higher INI pets.

So what pets will have higher INI scores? Pets that have a lot of speed right off the bat when you dominate or capture them and pets that start off at a high level that have good attributes right from the get go. Low INI pets are the opposite. They start with horrible speed, horrible attributes and are low level. Yet, low INI pets have the best power growth rates if you know how to work the system.

The reason why people earlier in this thread say the bell and quickling are horrible pets later on is because they have a high INI score due to their high starting speed. They sure are powerful when you first get them but due to their high INI scores they can be very tough to make stronger if you're not rich enough to fund their trainer fees and are not strong enough to fight the monsters that give them AP which is used to quicken their overall power growth.

Moving on to bit flags, with the advent of Custom and the ability to teach pets most of what a player knows, there isn't much really separating one pet from another insofar as special actions and spells. Even without Custom Leold can still offer some interesting abilities to pets that lack them. What can truly make a pet unique are bit flags. These bit flags can be considered special qualities that a group of pets have. One highly sought after bit flag is the cmetal bit flag. Any pet with this bit flag has 90% physical damage resistance. Bells for instance have this bit flag. However, with most things there is a catch as another anon has pointed out in the thread. The pets that have this bit flag tend to have horrible a horrible life attribute meaning they don't have a lot of HP.

Due to their low HP and ability to play the game for the player leading to the player to suffer from lack of skills at the proper later on, I view bells, or any cmetal pet, as a new player trap unless you know exactly what you're doing and manage your character well.

Finally, the last consideration is skill dumps. Specifically, what you should be putting your pet's bonus points into. Warrior like pets have 3 skill dumps for damage. A weapon skill, tactics, and an optional third skill whether that be two hand or dual wield. Range, firearms, archers, etc have 2 skill dumps. Weapon skill and Marksman. A wizard pet has just 1 damage skill dump. Casting. Hybrids can have any number of skill dumps. Up to the player if they want to treat Eye of Mind as a skill dump but generally I don't go out of my way to train it and just have it level up naturally.

So imo a wizard like pet with low INI is the fastest kind of pet to raise to power. You only need to pump casting to make them blow stuff up. Then it's either a ranged pet or a melee pet. A melee pet may take a little longer if you choose to pump dual wield or two hand.

I personally think people that are low level and starting out would have an easier time with pets if they just went for a low INI pet instead of trying to get some tentacle horror or crazy pet that starts out at high level. Pretty much any pet with an INI score similar to god reward pets or lower is good for people starting out.

Leave the higher INI pets for later once you're more established in the game and can defeat the monsters required to get them AP. Also leave the bit flag pets like cmetal pets for later when you can farm hero cheese. I have two pets currently. Saya, which started as a low lv Elea warrior I got from the slave trader and a little girl. Saya is an easy pet for me to grow in power. Low INI score and only 2 dump skills.

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