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>> No.20430002 [View]
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Alright time I shared a headcanin I've got for MGE:

What if there's a University College Town, as in a city built around a very famous and prestigious (or even peerless) school/college/university. Basically just like real life Oxford University and the city of Oxford which is a city built around the famous and prestigious school. And let say this university is indeed very famous and prestigious because of the studies, education, sciences, maths, history, engineering, the magical arcane arts and many other fields of knowledge that is taught in it and it's teachers/proffessors are also said to be peerless aswell. Because the university that this city is built around is so famous and often requires expensive and high tuition fees, this city is likely a wealthy and even opulent metropolitan inhabited by both students of the university and wealthy rich folk. Again, the reason for that is because university itself has high tuition fees for the quality of education it provides which mostly a handful of middle class and only the rich can afford, therefore wealthy folk and some middle class people are the likely inhabitants of this University Town.

Also this University Town throughout history has always been a neutral state and has never been truly involved major military and political conflicts. Because of how much this University City takes pride in its education college, plus opposing sides in any and most wars have been aware that to drag this university and the city that is built around it is detrimental and counter productive. As no one ever wanted to bring such a prestigious and historic college and the city built around it to ruin, so throughout history opposing sides have mostly left this university and its city alone and respected its neutrality and even "sovereingity." Even to the current days and era of this monstergirl city this University Town is still considered politically neutral. It is not under the rule of The Order in any wat though governing body of this University Town does allow the worship of the mainstream Order Faith through secularism. And likely Order members, Order Hereos and parts of the Order's leadership and heirarchy have attended this famously prestigious college as students, graduated and received their diplomas there.

Lastly as of the current era, monstergirls are now also students and inhabitants of the University and it's city. The monstergirls; including the Demon Lord's side, also recognize the neutrality of this prestigious Univeristy Town. Though they recognize the neutrality not out of respect but simply they are in no current interest or hurry to take over and assimilate it to being pro-monstergirl. As of now only "normal" and non-corruption monstergirls attend the college as students and also inhabit it's city. And its safe to say this University Town not only allows and tolerates monstergirls enough, it's also well aware of corruption and are cautious and wary of dealing and trading with monstergirl merchants, Danukis and merchants who're recognized as pro-monstergirl.

... And one more thing, perhaps, the dean of such a university would probably be monstrously busy. Ensuring the safety of students and faculty, meeting with department heads, parsing through actual donations and what are clearly bribes that would jeopardize the universities image of neutrality, ensuring faculty are as impartial as possible and navigating the complicated web of social ties the professors themselves have weaved.

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