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>> No.46768418 [View]
File: 406 KB, 850x836, hanafumo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

late recap because we don't want ANOTHER autosaged thread!

“I'm completely and mentally stable.” Hana proudly said to herself. To her side, a Gap opens and a slim midriff and well-maintained pussy come out of it, a line of beautiful golden pubes adorning the clitoris; thighs creamy and perfect. “Oh, hey, look, a forbidden fruit that'll destroy my life!” Hana stared… Then began to cold sweat.

last time in the HSE:
>Anon rests~;
>Hana chuunis and continues her flashback of that time Yukari raped her -- it doesn't narrow it precisely, but what can you do? -- , and, in her destroyed mental state, she accepts all the depravity Yukari offers; they have sex and Hana immediately regrets it the following day. Story of her life...
>Mima visits the Myouren temple together with Shinki to, hopefully, cultivate faith for her cult. She has delightful talks with the people there and gossips like the old ladies they are, but achieves a sweet deal with Byakuren that'll for sure further her efforts;
>Patchy brews an entire universe in her library that is Sekai's soul and, to create the body, goes on an adventure to collect a lot of specific ingredients, meeting in the way a chunnying hag -- Mima -- that poses around with a knife as if she were a cool and young lass and, after 'talking' to Sekai, who is merely reading the passages randomly since that troll of a child sees the future, leaves and approaches the Kurodanis for the Voilé renovation. She meets Yams' children first, who take her to their home, and soon she meets the spider mama herself. They have very wholesome and sweet conversation topics that go from business to the meaning of life, something Patchy needs for Sekai's body. During that, Patchy comes to the understanding that, because of Sekai's overwhelming powers, the world's reality is slowly shattering and, because of their relationship, giving her glimpses of her other selves -- not a big deal until the Solstice, when all hell breaks loose—meaning Patchy experiences trust and fondness from beyond. She leaves soon after collecting the things she needed from Yams and making a deal about the renovations of the Voilé and, upon returning to the SDM, Patchy talks to Meiling, who gives her views on what life is. Deciding to go all the distance, Patchy gives the gold moon acessory, one of her most precious possessions, to the alchemic process that'll create Sekai's body. Very cute~;
>Goro has an epilepsy attack—the rumble of Sekai's glory—and experiences a bad trip before meeting with Sekai. They have an adorable conversation before Sekai asks him to always stay by Yukari's side, which leads to Sekai having a minor breakdown—she deserves it, poor eldritch goddess...—and is then comforted by her only trans father—Goro is not escaping the allegations—who promises to do so, ending with a trifold Ultimate Deal. Cute~;
>Keine sets up a festival in the Human Village, built by the Kurodanis and kept by her revolutionaries, as a means to stop any incoming attack from Mr. Hieda. As it goes on, she meets Toyosatomimi no Miko, who discusses a little and gives a cold view on what's to come after the revolution, and then asks to be part of her rebellion to prevent the bad stuff, which Keine accepts after considering Miko's points. Sanae, suspicious of Mr. Hieda's actions, goes to explore the festival, looking for information; she meets Kosuzu and they talk, though the conversation soon drifts to Sanae's envy towards the 'mu and her guilt of not helping Hana. Kosuzu helps her and, with a better mind, Sanae goes back to Mr. Hieda. After about five hours of festival and a concert by the Prismrivers, Keine and Mokou decide to kick things off and approach Mr. Hieda, a tense talk commencing that leads to the start of the war: Keine's death and Sanae's and her apprentices' eventual demise for daring to speak against the heinous acts of the man. Mokou has allegedly lost her mind;
>Shou goes to Eirin for a pregnancy scan, likely has her genes stolen and witness Hina going mental because she spent 10 seconds inside the HSE;
>Mr. Hieda recalls the good ol' hay days of gore and death after the passing of the Hakurei Miko, where he'd constantly fight Youkai; men were kidnapped by horny tengu and the Grimsokyo was in full swing. Phew, gladly that is past us and the HSE doesn't have Grimsokyo... wait...

>> No.46605694 [View]
File: 406 KB, 850x836, hanafumo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Hana fumo
when are you lazy fucks going to contact AmiAmi to get the Hana fumo into production?!

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