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>> No.12790039 [View]
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I bought the pillows through a store called "worthyplus" on alibaba (http://www.aliexpress.com/store/718061).). It was pretty convenient and everything arrived just fine, though it did take them like a week and a half to ship it out and I had to manually extend the deadline. There are two main slolita stores on alibaba as far as I can tell, one is worthyplus and the other is "Guangzhou Slolita Co., LTD" (http://www.aliexpress.com/store/1161594).). I don't know if the second is official, but it's worth noting that when I bought these a month ago the second store was called like "mary" or something, and I wasn't able to tell if either were official. They seemed to have changed their name.

I also bought one of the small rectangular pillows from the other store (that's now called slolita) just to sort of "test the waters", and the two products appear to be of the same quality, material, etc. So no matter which store you choose, you shouldn't get ripped off with a non-slolita product. Their selection differs slightly as do their prices, so check them both out.

Everything I bought was 2WT, which at first felt kind of weird to me because it seemed like it was smoother in one direction than the other. After having slept with it for a few nights, it feels a lot more comfortable although it is a bit warm for me (living in Florida). The thin fabric doesn't feel especially cool. Overall, it's better than hobbyheart but not as nice as the p80 うさぎごや企画 one I have (mostly due to thickness). Like I said, there is some slack that isn't there with my other pillows, so I guess it runs a few centimeters longer than most other 160cm cases. Overall it's a good buy if you like their designs, they offer free shipping. And I think slolita's designs are mostly original for their pillows, so it's not a "bootleg" in that sense (someone correct me if I am wrong, I know their wall scrolls are all bootleg).

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