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>> No.45614855 [View]
File: 149 KB, 850x1248, Yukari santa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Wearing that blank stare again Lampy looked at her before breaking out into a jolly high-pitched laugh, “Tree thief?! Gme?! I’m a gernome not a thief of trees! Gnomes don’t steal as much as humans breathe water! We believe in gifting each other just fine you know! Nope, not a thief among us and never have been!” It strutted back and forth as if modeling a new outfit, “We gnomes would never steal a tree, we’re spirits of the earth and could grow ‘em just fine without it”

Hana was to open her mouth but Lampy continued unabated by her practiced glare, “Gno, what we needed was ordered by the big man himself. We gave a gift those humans like, that money stuff, and in exchange we get all the charcoal we need for this year!”

Sighing, Hana realized that this little idiot of a youkai… fairy? Well, something similar anyways, was at least harmless, “Listen up, I don’t care if you and your lot freeze this winter alone or huddled up, you’ll stop raiding the villagers and causing a ruckus every year!”

The gnome tsked its tongue disapprovingly, “Gnow gnow, I see someone’s on the naughty list this year, I don’t know why the big man tries… Guess that’s a saint for ‘ya. Are all the children here spoiled like you?”

Hana was about to see if he can respawn like a fairy can when she barked out, “I don’t need your comments, now are you going to leave things alone or am I going to have to see how hard it is to bust your head!“

Just like a youkai, they always need a bit of fear put in them before the-, “No deal sweet cheeks, it ain’t up to me. The big man wants his charcoal and he’ll get it, no way you and your little alliance is gonna put a stop to that this year or any other year!”

At that moment she felt a disturbance and a gap opened in her living room, Aunn started barking and the Gnome rolled his eyes as he turned to the tear in reality with all the respect and fear of someone picking a bit of lint from his navel, “About time, lady. My arms are aching all gover!”

Yukari entered, her parasol complimenting her white dress and purple tabard, she’s on business? She doesn’t look happy either, her fan’s already out and flittered in front of her face, “You, little invader” a flash of her fan and the ropes were untied and the seal burning in spiritual fire, as if on queue the little thing clicked its heels and dropped into a portal of swirling snow.

Hana was shocked for more than one reason as she reconciled the events that transpired, why did mama…? Either way she quickly walked over to her dear sister who was caught between the instinct to protect Hana and the fear of the women ahead of her, something that hurt Hana’s heart. She scooped up her hand and held it tightly just in case Aunn decided to do something dumb.

Gathering her wits just as Yukari’s gaze swept to her, Hana spoke before her loving, if misunderstood mother spoke as the gap behind her closed, “Yukari-san what’s going on? Why did yo-?”

Yukari’s voice was as icy as the snow outside and it shut up the miko-in-training immediately, “Hana-chan” She seemed to ignore Aunn entirely, “It seems there’s no more use in keeping you in the dark, come. We don’t have much time.”

As she turned her back on the girls Aunn shouted out, “No way are you taking Hana like you took Anon! No way no way! I won’t let you!”

Despite her trembling knees, Aunn was defiant, “I’ll protect Hana from you no matter what, s-so leave her alone!”

Hana wasn’t surprised, but her heart was in the wrong place. Yukari stopped in her tracks and flicked her fan down with force and closed it in one smooth motion, but it was Hana that spoke first to her sister, “Aunn, its okay! Yukari-san would never hurt me, she… she just needs help and has an explanation for why she needs me, right?”

Yukari responded slowly, in a drawn-out way that ran a chill down Hana’s back despite knowing that she’d never do something like hurt her sister, “Komainu, every year do you know where Reimu-san vanishes to along with Byakuren-san and Kanako-san?”

With a whine as Aunn thought back she shook her head as if Yukari could see it, “N-no, but what does that have to do w-“

Her voice flowed like a deadly stream, “That is because every year we must band together to stop an unstoppable force that threatens to destroy this land, no matter what the cost. Every second you spend yapping is another you hamper our efforts, is that enough for you?”

Neither girl could detect a hint of a lie, the atmosphere was heavy in the little living room as Hana spoke up, “I’m telling you Aunn, it’ll be okay. Yukari-san won’t harm me and I’ll be back in time for supper, right Yukari-san?”

>> No.45501704 [View]
File: 149 KB, 850x1248, 1676557116126316.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm already wearing my holiday sin sack!

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