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>> No.46546736 [View]
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What exactly do you mean with extraordinary abilities? If you are refering to what Maribel has, then yes, I very much doubt we have a Coca-Cola Light version of Yukari among us. But the first stages of her power were more akin to lucid dreaming, astral projection, remote viewing. Some would of course argue these are the one and same, but lucid dreaming for certain is something humans can supposedly cultivate over time. If you either believe that this will take you to Gensokyo or are happy with the Gensokyo in your heart, just simply start learning this.

Now, as for astral projection and remote viewing, as hard to believe it may be, there is some evidence that these things may exist and that they may be something that can be taught to people. It's possible that the evidence was produced as disinformation, but you are willing to dive into it, there is greater than 0% chance you will find the way to peek into Gensokyo. Whatever that is a 0,000000% or 100% chance, I don't know.

Speaking of remote viewing, if I remember correctly one of the Ingo Swan - Hal Puthoff - Russel Targ trio saw some rather weird stuff when they tried remote viewing the moon. I don't remember the details, it's been many years since I studied the topic, and for the record, I have never attempted any such things myself.

>collaborating over the internet usually doesn't work out, either.

Yes, this I would say is almost the biggest obstacle. Then again, we can just take these discussions as an opportunity to soundboard our ideas, to sprinkle a bit of mystery and magic to our lives and as starting points for diving deeper into the real life lore related to Touhou.

I think any sort of attempt at figuring out if Gensokyo or real or not would require substantial studies into Japanese culture and mythology and the various religions and philosophies present in the country. It would require enough knowledge of the language to do this and also to research if people in Japan still report real-life youkai sightings. Of course one would probably need to study some sort of esoteric/spiritual praxis for handling the possible entities you'd encounter too. A small team could of course divided up these tasks, exchange ideas and learn together. It would be far more effective, no doubt about it.

But would solo efforts be wasted? Depends on the mindset and end goals, I think. Would you find your life wasted if you learned a new language, immersed yourself into another culture, exposed yourself to new ways of thinking?

What if you dedicated some fragment of the effort you put into lunatic 1cc runs (a truly superhuman achievement if you ask me) or lore research or even your booru image binges or the time you spend posting on 4chan into some of this?

What if you did this and didn't find Gensokyo? Would you be disapointed, or could you have perhaps cultivated an entirely different endgoal for yourself?

And what if you did this and found Gensokyo? What would you think, feel and do then?

>This also begs the question of if it's even possible to confirm the existence of Gensokyo beyond claims by random anons.
You're aproaching a really profound question about the nature of knowledge here anon.

Is it even possible to confirm the existence of UFOs? Thousands, maybe millions of people believe in them and have seen such things, but still, it might all just be a new form of folklore, BS and disinformation. What about the existence of spirits? Cryptids? Paranormal phenomena? Conspiracies?

What about then more commonly accepted phenomena? Unless you are physicists you probably haven't seen elementary particles (or rather traces of their existence), if you've never looked into a microscope you've never seen microbes with your own eyes.

What exactly is the line of proof and institutional aproval where something becomes true and accepted and with what criteria? And how much of things left outside of it are true and how much of it are BS, because most certainly all is not true.

What would it take for you to belive in Gensokyo, and what kind of a Gensokyo would you belive in?
Has the eclipse already happened there?

I had a dream last night where Kanako, or someone looking like her very briefly appeard, but I do not remember what she said or did. The dream shifted to another phase. I was at home and my favorite teacup had started sprouting nasty mold. I got revulsed and woke up to find a message on my phone that certain lab results related to my health were normal. I feel like I'm getting mixed messages.

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