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>> No.13601672 [View]
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I should probably address the hours portion of your question first. Kai is my second character and all the knowledge and experience of my first character, along with knowledge gathered from benevolent anons, wiki, and the elona forums, was put into the creation of Kai. Knowledge of what to do and how to do it has shaved hours off my game time. I'm convinced that if any veteran player had to make a new character today their new character would probably reach the power of their former character in a fraction of the time simply because they know what they're doing.

Now for medals, I see that other anons have pretty much given you the gist of what I did. I will now give more details. This will probably be lengthy since I want to explain my character's unorthodox beginning and progression but it should dovetail nicely into how I farm medals and why I can do them so fast. Hopefully it might help out some people getting into the game as well.

When I started my adventure I had 2 goals in mind. 1) Reach South Tyris ASAP to take on the quest to get a Kumi statue so I can begin turning in little sisters to get copies of said statue. 2) Get Speed to 2000. I rolled an Eulderna Gunner and started scavenging the first floor of the puppy caves for things to sell as well as magic books since I'm a caster as well. After getting enough gold to get geared up I then did escort and hunting quests for the platinum. I used said plat to buy skills I didn't have such as gardening, cooking, weight lifting, etc. I then took up harvesting quests in Yowyn and I did not care whether I succeeded at the harvesting quests as all I cared about was raising stats through those quests at the time. After I got stronger I then used the wiki to track down the spots of medals you can find in various towns and areas. Most people would use these initial medals for the shield tonfa, sage helmet, tax box, or Diablo. Understandable purchases but I wanted the void license instead.

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