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/jp/ - Otaku Culture


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>> No.11118982 [View]
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All of those bent spines...

>> No.10767540 [View]
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I can already see this shaping up to be an excellent thread.

>> No.10478479 [DELETED]  [View]
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>get a life

>> No.10201938 [DELETED]  [View]
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Gizmodo's ... everything got hacked. Including Gizmodo Twitter account.

>put everything on iCloud!
>get one account hacked (iCloud)
>lose control to every single Apple device
>and twitter
>and gmail


Haha oh wow. He's only admitting this publicly so it doesn't look so bad and people sympathize with him for fucking up this corporate twitter account.

>> No.10191596 [View]
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>> No.10177434 [View]
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>hurr durr I can't come up with a logical retort so I'll just mock him with insults and hope the other morons in this thread don't notice my position is on a house of cards

Nice try, but everyone is literally laughing at you. You're just jealous you're not a purebred race, that you don't have a strong group identity to belong to, so all you can do is attack the races of your parents. You're a born traitor, and a born narcissist. You're incapable of thinking about the greater well being of your "tribe."

>> No.10073723 [View]
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>People were generally fine with the sticky

>> No.10060778 [View]
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why are crossboarders so easy to spot?

>> No.10047369 [View]
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>> No.10015402 [View]
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every fucking time

>> No.9956197 [View]
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>> No.9895632 [View]
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>As long as I like the thread, it should stay (- Neo-meido, October 2012)

>> No.9883750 [View]
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i almost spit out my milk through my nose every time i see you reply to his questions with more tl;dr blogging

>> No.9822144 [View]
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Drinking some tea right now #japan #otaku #praisemeido

>> No.9737711 [View]
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Thank you for letting this many epic threads stay, janitor!

/jp/ is MUCH better as Blog Culture than otaku interests or hobbies

So, gentleman. Let's get down to business.
>that feel when no gf

>> No.9695704 [DELETED]  [View]
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>Janitor applications will be open on Sunday, for only 24 hours.
>Janitor applications will be open on Sunday

>> No.9687098 [View]
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Signs of a a Niwaka Otaku (the worst type otaku, who wants to be an Otaku, but fails.):

thinks K-ON! and Angel Beats are fun anime

Recommend to people Bakemonogatari and K-ON!

Not hiding powerlevel

SHAFT fanboy

Talking about anime openly

Love Madoka and K-on!

Care about BD sales

>エヴァの新劇場版だけ見て TVアニメ版は見てない
Have only seen Eva Rebuild, never finished the TV series

>1年前はけいおんにハマってて, 今はまどかマギカにハマってるような奴
The people who love K-ON last year, and now into Madoka

>京アニ 好きなやつはにわか率 100%
>シャフト 好きなやつはにわか率70%
KyoAni fanbase niwaka 100%
SHAFT fanbase niwaka 70%

fav VN studio : key, AKABEi and Nitro+

>> No.9676953 [DELETED]  [View]
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>→ News Post: "Better Moderation" ←

>> No.9648836 [DELETED]  [View]
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>> No.9599005 [DELETED]  [View]
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>You say Japanese story telling isn't as refined as Western story telling, but I have to disagree. Umineko, despite being a VN marketed towards Otaku is one of the most amazing Novel Series ever written imo, and I am quite an avid reader. (I will admit the anime adaptation of the series is awful). Kokoro Connect is an Anime series airing this season in Japan that has more sophisticated and enjoyable story telling of a simple concept (body switching) than almost anything on American TV right now... And I could point to examples of other Anime that also feature spectacular story telling, from last years Madoka, to the sensational Haruhi half a decade ago, to the 'No one is too old for this show' boundary breaking demographic of Card Captor Sakura.

Umineko rulez

>> No.9545070 [View]
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>Note: "noko" is now the default when posting. Posting in a thread will return you to your new post instead of the board index. You can enable the old functionality by typing "nonoko" into the e-mail field.


>> No.9526683 [DELETED]  [View]
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>> No.9522454 [DELETED]  [View]
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>> No.9521590 [View]
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