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>> No.8974776 [View]
File: 167 KB, 1280x720, [Doremi].Smile.Precure!.01.[1280x720].[4951C078].mkv_snapshot_16.45_[2012.02.06_04.12.18].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


It enhances EVERYTHING. I'm not a typical stoner-type, I keep myself to myself and don't really get into that kind of thing.

Music is my drug, and other drugs make it so much better.

I've honestly tried as many drugs as I could get my hands on (Ex-NEET here) and I only care about the ones that make music interesting and weird. Weed is great for that, just listening to a single song from your childhood is like being whisked back into nostalgialand, watching anime is so much more fun and games are so much more intense.

Drugs would be huge in nerd culture if there wasn't such a "only for cool kids" stigma. It's the perfect thing to accompany a solitary life.

Normally in my room I take things for granted like my figures, posters, manga and anime stuff. When I get the weed out, smoke out of my window and return back to my computer, the moment I see back inside my room is amazing. I become so aware of how awesome everything I have is, I realise I have such a great room and I'm surrounded in the 2D stuff I love so much.

Then I listen to some denpa and it's so much more alive than normal, it's much more moe, much more intense and intricate. Anime and games are both immersive and feel like I'm really there, and crawling into bed with my waifu's dakimakura is such a soft comforting experience.

I recommend it; don't be fooled by the typical image of stoners, you'd have to be a certain type of person to actually become someone like that. I've managed just fine.

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