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/jp/ - Otaku Culture


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I'm not going to spam this thread any further so I'll just post these and will be seeing /jp/ in three months.

>I actually have some of the preliminary findings for #1 already in note form - I'll post them when I get home from work
If I had to sum up my experience so far with this experiment into one sentence, it would be that "cultivating a better life by eliminating bad habits is impossible if you simply replace them with other bad habits." This is not to say that my efforts have been a waste:
- I consume a lot more japanese visual culture than I used to. Whereas I would watch 2 or 3 series every season I am now watching two every two to three weeks.
- I enjoy a lot more of what I watch and feel no obligation to see through a mediocre series through to the end instead of deleting it
- I think about things a lot more than I used to
- I no longer read the news and do not honestly care too much about what is going on outside of my city
- Best of all, my ability to concentrate on things has developed to a point I would have considered superhuman three months ago.

Of course, there are also disappointments and wholesale failures resulting from the experiment:
- My backlog is going to run out pretty soon and the quality of most professionally-subbed manga and anime is not worth the $16 per volume/$30-70 per box set I am going to have to pay if I want to watch new content. Living in the boonies does not help
- Thinking about things all the time is not necessarily healthy behaviour. I worry about things a lot more than I used to
- Being ignorant to the happenings of the world does have a negative impact: I have missed quite a few job opportunities and invitations to free dinners that were advertised solely through social media. And since my old Internet habits often led me to hunt for jobs or funding opportunities as a way of procrastinating, I now rarely look for such opportunities since using job hunting as an excuse to surf the Internet is, technically, a violation of the rules
- Contact with people I know IRL is now limited to those that work close to where I have my office or who I run into when walking
- I have actually adopted *new* bad habits: instead of shirking work by shitposting on /jp/, I shirk work by going outside and walking aimlessly in parks or suburbs for an hour. I have also gained quite a bit of weight, despite all this walking, since I spend many of my work breaks getting snack food in the university cafeteria or junk food at the end of my walks.
- I really, really regret not downloading every doujin and AV I could get my hands on before the experiment started since before I was never in the habit of saving porn to my hard drive. I now have a small archive of H anime and manga that is growing progressively more stale with every fap

That's about it! I'll use this trip when I post the full report and anything else I've written in December. Till then!

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