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>> No.38521487 [View]
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OP you've written a nice story. You've also inspired me, so I will also contribute to Kogasa story time.

The first thing she became of aware of was the sunlight. It shined down upon her, warming her cold form. With the light came color, and the image of verdant trees stretching skyward came into focus, striving for the bright blue sky. Then came the sound. A symphony of noises such that she never heard, first the playful chirping of two birds darting through the canopy, then the myriad calls of insects from all around, and underlaying it all came the soft rustling of the branches. Then physical sensation came to her. She felt that she lay on the bare, cold earth and saw that she was nestled among the roots at the base of a great, ancient pine tree.
‘How have I come here?’ She thought. ‘What manner of place is this? And I can see and hear and feel and taste…taste?’
She became aware that she could indeed taste and what she tasted was damp dirt. Exploring this new feeling, she found that she had a long red tongue, which came out of a mouth. She did not know how this could be. She knew that she was an umbrella, a mere tool. But now she had senses and an unexplainable new appendage, two if you counted her eye. Still, she did not dislike this new life. For a long time, she laid there, looking as a far as she could in all directions. She heard many more sounds of the forest. Occasionally birds ascended into the branches or swooped down after unseen prey, and insects flitted by. Sounds came to her of even larger creatures traversing the undergrowth but which she could not see. Eventually she just settled on idly watching the clouds float by.
Despite the peaceful nature of her surroundings, she could not help her growing curiosity. With her new senses, was there not more for her to experience? Surely if she could now sense as a human could, she was also capable of movement. And with this in mind she began trying. She found that she could control the bamboo tube with made up her handle. For a will she wriggled around, learning how to control this new power. She attempted, in a rapid movement, to arch herself off the ground, then by throwing the force in the opposite direction, bounce to her foot. This attempt failed and she pondered how she might stand herself upright. While thinking, she unconsciously began to wiggle her tongue back and forth. The instant she became aware of this she had it. She arched herself up, then using her tongue like an arm she pushed her off of the ground and then was standing.
For a while she celebrated, albeit silently, for despite having a mouth she could not make sound. Then she looked around. The forest, with trees all great and tall, extended around her. Moss covered exposed roots and stones on the ground and the sunlight filtering in created a patchwork of light and shadow. She wished to explore this forest. But with only one ‘leg,’ how could she move? She thought of using her tongue to help her, but she didn’t want to taste the entire forest floor, so she kept thinking. Then, as if it were the most natural thing, she began to hop forward. She quickly got used to it, and soon was flying through the wood. She cleared logs and boulders, ditches and streams, and at one point even jumped over a fox, who was startled and annoyed, to say the least. A couple times she did trip and fall, righting herself with the taste of dirt clinging to her tongue. But she won’t tell you that. Finally after some time of traveling, she saw a road.
People. This was her first though upon coming to the road. The thought of encountering a human filled her with apprehension, and she came to a stop in the shadow of a tree. As she wondered what would happen when she encountered someone, she became aware of the sound of a cart coming down the road. From her vantage, she saw come around the bend a cart pulled by a strong ox, its great horns swaying as it trod down the road. Sitting on the cart was an old peasant wearing a wide conical straw hat. He had a piece of grass hanging from his mouth, and animatedly sung some tune. She thought that his voice was horrible, but he seemed like a nice enough man. As the cart came closer, she saw his good-natured face, and resolved to present herself. But right before she could, she saw that the cart was filled with various tools. Seeing this brought her to a halt. As the cart trundled past her hiding place, she recalled a vague memory.

>> No.33557559 [View]
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Kogasa isn't cute at all!
She is a scary youkai!

>> No.32688415 [View]
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