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>> No.45465333 [View]
File: 284 KB, 850x708, The final showdown (rip Genjii).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>45431940 (43/?)

Today is the day, and thankfully, Mima can be proud of the effort Marisa has put into preparing for it. She of course did a few things Mima wouldn’t, trusting the Tengu in any situation is a terrible idea, but perhaps that’s just the old woman in Mima complaining about days long gone.

Either way, watching everyone else scramble to get ready gives Mima a stronger appreciation of Alice and her craft. Would it be like this when she’s a goddess? Endless hordes of followers catering to her every whim? Probably not, but even a vengeful spirit can dream.

Speaking about Alice and her dolls, one of the little automatons comes rushing into the cottage. Quickly flicking her head left and right looking for something, she finally turns to Mima and hurriedly gestures her over. Mima considers ignoring the doll, but on the off chance this isn’t a false alarm, she follows it.

The doll is visibly relieved as she leads Mima off towards the direction of the Hakurei Shrine until Mima spots two figures in the distance. One is very clearly a Tengu given how she’s flying on black wings, but the other… That’s not Hana, is it?

Without taking her eyes off Reimu, Mima says, “Get Yuuka over here now.”

In her periphery vision, she thinks she sees the doll give a crisp salute, but pays that no mind. Channeling her magic, Mima flies towards the two. Upon reaching earshot she challenges them, “Aya, what treachery is this? I knew Marisa was a fool for trusting you! Say your prayers because-”

Aya is crying on the ground while blubbering incoherently. Ahh… this is awkward. Turning over to Reimu who seems torn between looking at Aya and brandishing her Gohei, Mima demands, “Brat, explain yourself.”

Reimu is silent for a while, her eyes darting towards Aya, then Mima, and quickly jump off into the distance. Finally, she takes a deep breath and maintains eye contact with Mima, “I… I want to make things as right as I can with Hana. I know that I’ll never be able to absolve what I did, but I can’t just sit here and do nothing.”

Were it anyone else, Mima may have looked on them more favorably for a sentiment, but this is Reimu. The only greater betrayal would have been if Marisa fell off the deep end. Scoffing, Mima asks, “And you think she wants to see you? This is supposed to be a day where she doesn’t have to think about the things you’ve done and caused.”

Reimu flinches at that and breaks eye contact. Quietly, meekly she replies, “I know… but there’s something I need to give her.”

Mima scoffs, “She didn’t need any of the things you gave her, and you never gave her any of the things she did need.”

Again Reimu flinches, but this time she looks back up at Mima. “I know, but that’s why I need to give her this. I need her to know that… that I don’t hate her. That despite all my failings and crimes, I love her.”

It sounds more like Reimu needs that, not Hana. Still, Mima holds her tongue as Reimu produces a green kerchief with red embroidery. It’s pretty and well made, far too well made for Reimu to have possibly made it. “Who’d you threaten into making it?”

Reimu frowns, not quite in annoyance, but a lot of the submissiveness is gone, “I didn’t threaten anyone into making it. I made it myself. It’s something I’ve been working on while…”

Mima helpfully concludes, “Your husband is being raped and your daughter hates you.”

Reimu… doesn’t snap. Instead, she just stares down at the ground, her eyes… maybe Mima went too far. “I’ll make sure she gets it, but I can’t let you attend without Hana knowing and approving before-Yuuka no! Stop! She’s not! DON’T!”

Unfortunately, Yuuka didn’t seem to notice Mima’s words and decks Reimu in the face, knocking the shrine maiden to the ground. She’s about to strike again, but Mima grabs her arm, “Wait! She meant as well as she could by coming here. She just wanted to leave a present for Hana. A nice one, a kerchief she knitted.”

Yuuka growls back, “She has the nerve to come here unannounced to try to force her way back into Hana’s life? What, do you think a little scrap of cloth can make up for what you’ve done?!”

Reimu doesn’t reply on account of the blood currently leaking out of her mouth, so Mima replies in her place, “C’mon, this is Reimu we both know that she’s always been lacking in sense and far too willing to take the most direct route to anything. She seemed to mean well and in a very controlled setting, this might be good for Hana. Still, I don’t think I want them meeting like this, “Are you okay Reimu?”

Reimu slurs back, “S’all good, I pwobably deseved it.”

Well, she can talk at least, maybe she didn’t-nope she lost at least five teeth. As Reimu spits out bits of teeth and Mima ponders if she broke her jaw, Yuuka asks, “Why is Aya trembling on the ground over there?”

Mima shrugs, “I have no clue. Just go pick her up and follow me, I think we need to get Reimu checked out and treated. I think we have some stuff for bones ready, if not I can make some.”

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