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/jp/ - Otaku Culture


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>> No.7491540 [View]
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>Meet awsome guy
>Into Touhou as much as i am, im kind of an otaku.
>Hes handsome, takes care of himself, shows a genuine intrest of what i have to say.
>Go to his house "study"
>End up watching anime
>His mom walks in gives him a weekly allowance
>Mfw when he's 28

>> No.7461276 [View]
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>go to see the new X-men
>alone, of course
>sit in in the middle, eating popcorn
>5 teenagers come in and sit behind me
>they start whispering and laughing
>feel my face heat up
>hear, "Oh God, look at his clothes!" and "ugh, he reeks."
>they start throwing popcorn at me and in my hair
>sweat stains start to appear near the armpits of my Touhou shirt
>eventually just get up and leave as they laugh at me
>call my mom and barely hold back tears during the ride home

So how was your night, /jp/?

>> No.7452718 [View]
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>Sees X-Men: First Class
>Goes into bathroom after movie
>Two girls walk in as I wash my hands
>Girl asks, "Was Storm the blue girl?"

>> No.7426996 [View]
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Why is /jp/ obsessed with Saten?

>> No.7418510 [View]
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>Wipe if off
>Shake it
>Squeeze it
>Wring it out
>Do everything possible to make sure every drop of cum is gone
>Put dick back in pants
>Go sit down to do something else
>30 minutes later, dick is glued to underwear

>> No.7402662 [View]
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>want to play Person 4 again, go find the disc
>it's all scratched up, won't read it
>pirate it
>get a letter from my university saying I illegally downloaded a video game and have to pay $50, next time I lose my internet for a month
seriously? I fucking own the game. Is there any way I can contest this?

>> No.7399431 [View]
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>be typical insecure shut-in virgin
>watch show about nudism and naturalism on Discovery
>see all kinds of people (beautiful and not, young and old etc)
>they are all happy and open towards each other
>say "fuck it" and ask friends father (who visits beach constantly) to introduce me to this lifestyle
>2 months later
>everyone I know tells me that I am much better person now
>better relations with parents
>found cute girlfriend

Why aren't you nudist, /v/?

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