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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/jp/ - Otaku Culture


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>> No.36845776 [View]
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Summarized from: https://youtu.be/WMuMeulApCQ

>Hectic day and possibly early stream setups from now on(02:11:20)
As she comes back from the end screen she says that today she was outside from midday until after evening, making her pretty tired right now. Today in general was a pretty busy day, first being at X place from midday to evening tiring herself out with whatever work it was, then getting home and doing GOI and into this right now, but it has been fun she says. She reflects on that GOI is a very easy game to stream for those times where she isn't able to prepare anything since it is a game that requires no preparation.
She also apologizes for setting up the singing stream wrong yesterday, she figured that since she would probably be outside for most of the day tomorrow she figured she'd do a stream that she could prepare in advance, but as she was setting up this stream yesterday she ended up mixing up the days. From here on out there might be a lot of these scenarios, since she has to go out a lot this month, where if she has a stream idea that needs preparation and is one she can prepare in advance then she'll set up the stream early.

>Reward for herself and dance lessons taking a toll on her body(02:13:45)
She mentions a bit that her neck hurts before saying that tomorrow she has something to look forward too and that she'll talk about what it is tomorrow once she gets home, it is a reward for herself since recently her body has been really sore so she'll be going to a place and then come back to stream and tell us about it. The chat is guessing it to be Seitai. Later on she says it isn't her body getting refreshed but her head so the chat then thinks it is a head spa or going to the theaters.
Someone asks if there is a dance lesson tomorrow and she says there isn't, although this week there will be a day in which she has only dancing on the schedule and furthermore it is training for 3 different songs all in that day, she anticipates this as being pretty rough, causing her to become too tired for a regular stream, so she'll probably she'll be doing another watch along on Twitch on that day.
There are still days like these since she has dances she has to learn. Someone asks if she trains at home too and she says that she does have a mirror in which she can see her entire body, but while she does remember how the dance should go, she still can't perform it properly. Which also prompts her to furthermore say that lately her neck has really been hurting, saying she wants to get a massage.

>Might watch a horror movie(02:16:55)
Thinking about what they should watch she leans towards watching a horror movie. She earlier on got prompted if she watched Midsommar and she says they did and that it was a lot of fun, it fit her preferences, prompting someone to mention she really likes cult movies and she agrees saying that sort of story is fun, even though it was gruesome and lewd at times it was still a very nice movie for her. She likes comedies as well but movies with a lot of suspense in them like horror, where you get that feeling of; "Something is going to happen, I just know it", is more to her preference.
Someone brings up the suggestion of Japanese horror and she is a bit unsure about that, saying that she might go crazy and die, not to mention she might pee herself because she doesn't want to go to the bathroom anymore. Thinking about it for a bit she denies it saying she has to get up early this month for all her lessons so she can't afford to become unable to sleep from being too scared.

>Only ate one rice ball today(02:21:05)
She breathes a long sigh and says she's tired, laughs, and then complains that she is hungry as well saying she hasn't eaten today. Her mother came home later today, somewhere around when she had started her GOI stream so after that stream she went to her and said she was hungry but her mother was in the middle of cooking at that moment so in the end she never had time to eat before she started the next stream, so the only thing she has eaten today is one rice ball.

>Unable to leave her bed early in the morning(02:21:50)
Lately she decided to start waking up early in the morning and while she does wake up, she simply doesn't want to leave her bed and just lays there fiddling with her phone until the time comes for her to have to leave the house, which means she rushes out without eating breakfast and stops by the store on the way to buy a rice ball to eat. She reflects on that a smartphone is a real time thief, a scary one at that.

>What do you look at on your phone during morning?(02:22:40)
She gets asked what it is that she does on her phone during those mornings, she responds that she reads manga via her "One free chapter a day" app, checking out Twitter, watching stuff on Netflix or Youtube. She doesn't have a lot on her phone since it is new and she is trying to avoid putting too much stuff into it.


>> No.36223092 [View]
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This is the thread

>> No.35124828 [View]
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>> No.34248885 [View]
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>> No.31064687 [View]
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There's still an hour and 20 minutes before it actually starts

>> No.29041516 [View]
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>People itt this thread shilling for Taiwan
All chinks are bad, ogey?

>> No.28868009 [View]
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Peko smash bros practice in 3m

>> No.28806187 [View]
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