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>> No.46327810 [View]
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she cleans very well her cephalothorax.

>> No.46047162 [View]
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"I'll help her organize things." Yura piped up, raising a hand. "We'll hammer out the details. Who else should we be speaking to? The green-haired girl in the Garden of the Sun, I assume." Yamame nodded and supplied Reimu's name, as well. "Geh, the Shrine Maiden?" Yura replied, her voice slightly straight. "Ooh, that'll be scary..." She shook her head. "No, no...It'll be fine."

Trying to help, Yamame supplied that Reimu wasn't that scary once you'd managed to convince her that you weren't doing anything dangerous. Ki seemed to manage okay, anyway. "Speaking of," Ruka said slowly, her finger tapping against her crossed arms. "Where is our beloved and aggravating big sister?"

"Oh, er...She's gone to that abandoned mine on the mountain with my- With my fiancé." She'd been about to say, 'my human.' Fiancé wasn't quite as good, Yamame thought. It was fine, and it got the point across, but it didn't indicate how they really thought of each other in the way that he apparently called her his spider, and she called him her human.

"We do know you think of him as your human, you know." Yura said dryly, ruining all of Yamame's thoughts. "That mine? The one on the mountain? That one's...Weird." Had she been there? Yamame hadn't, but Ki had spoken about it before. "Er, just once...Just after it stopped being abandoned and that strange girl with the spiky hair had moved in. I sort of...Got lost on my way back from that job we did up near the tengu, on the False Heaven Shelf." Yamame had never been to the mine. She remembered that job, but it had mostly been unremarkable, and she'd made her way home just fine. "It was - Uncomfortable, in there. There were fairies and stuff, and I didn't go any deeper in than the top layer, but it definitely went further down. But it just..." Yura shivered. "Gave me the chills. I ran into the girl on my way out, but she was happy to just let me leave. Good thing, too, because I really didn't feel up to a fight."

"I wonder if that's what Ki thinks of the place, too..." Yamame mused. "She seems to get her ore from there, after all." For a moment, she was silent. "Well, she'd better keep my human safe, or I'll bury her down there." It was the sort of threat that she seemed to deliver a lot, these days. "Sorry, what were we saying? Oh, er, right. So...You'll all help me out? Thank you. I love you all." Yamame bowed her head.

"H-Hey, Big Sis, um, you don't need to be so formal about it..." Nai spoke awkwardly. "We all, um, love you, so we're happy to help any way we can." Yamame looked over at Nai with a smile. She really had matured a little bit while no one was looking. In fact, she looked like she'd done just a bit more than that, now that Yamame thought about it. Her hair was slightly longer, the colour of her eyes slightly more vibrant, and she looked just a little bit less slight than she normally did. She was sitting down, but Yamame thought that if she stood up, she might be just a little bit taller, too. A moult, then? Hopefully it had gone a little better than her last moult had - Or rather, better than what had happened immediately after her last moult. It hadn't stopped her being thin as a reed, though. She really needed to eat more.

Belatedly, she realised that everyone was staring at her. "Sorry, um - Yes, thank you all. You're all the best sisters I could ever wish for" She said, shaking her head to clear up her thoughts. "Well...I suppose that's it. That's the big news, anyway. Everything seems fine here, too. Honestly, you lot were so busy freaking out about coming here that I thought it was going to be far worse." She laughed slightly. "So...How are other things? I haven't seen you lot since I was last in the Hot Spring Town, after all." Something that previously hadn't been a huge bother to Yamame, but somehow had become one since meeting her human. Maybe someday, she'd figure out what had changed that.

Either way, she spent some time chatting to her sisters. Reiko had been using the free time she'd regained following the winding down and signing off of the Hot Springs Restoration to get back into her obsession with languages, Yura and Ruka were working together on some sort of craft project, but the details had mostly gone over her head, as most things involving those two together tended to. Nai, meanwhile, had started to take up a bit of an interest in woodworking.

Yamame wasn't really a woodworker, but she knew enough for their specific work. Curious, she asked Nai what had brought her in that direction. "Um, well...It was when you had me help with cutting the wood in front of your house, actually..." Yamame raised an eyebrow. She did live below a lot of her younger sisters, though they typically didn't bother her. Well, unless they were Nai.

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