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>> No.45614870 [View]
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A simple ‘yes’ left the sage’s mouth as Aunn whimpered and let out one last, “If anything happens, I’ll come after you myself, be prepared!” Hana kissed her sister on the cheek and trotted up to Yukari, resisting the urge to hold onto her hand or hug her in front of Aunn Hana entered the gap together with Yukari, sparing one last look at Aunn who whined as she looked at Hana before the gap closed behind her. How she wished Aunn understood.

Hana was quite happy that she didn’t make a goof of herself before exiting the other end of the gap, that was because present company notwithstanding the atmosphere was nothing to trifle with. Hana didn’t know where they were at first, but as she looked around the long hallways lined with pillars before a statue of bronze it was clear. She was in the Moriyan temple’s inner sanctum.

Which made things even stranger when she spotted Kanako, Okina, Byakuren, Miko, Kasen, Mamizou, and even… her mother. They were all sitting on a few cushions forming a circle, there was a space open which Yukari quickly sat in. Hana awkwardly weathered the eyes of them all, trying to avoid looking at any one of them for too long and unable to find solace in even Kasen and Kanako’s; they were all business.

Her mother was a different story, she nearly bristled at seeing her again but she kept her mouth shut, something about her was different. Reimu simply nodded her head as a faint smile crested her lips before fading as she turned to the rest of the group. Hana felt out of place, why were they all here? Why did her mother seem so… put together? Why were these women, who as far as Hana knew were enemies, sit together as if conspiring?

Yukari flourished her fan as she spoke up, “Apologies for being late, as you all know our future Hakurei miko has made a mistake. It was sorted out quickly and there is no change to the agreement”

A bit of tension left the women gathered here, did… did Hana almost make a huge mistake? Was that little idiot of a youkai important? Hana’s confusion must have been evident because it was Okina who spoke up, “Hana-chan, how good of you to join us. I’m sure you’re wondering what is going on, no?”

Hana nodded as Kasen spoke up in turn, “It’s about time you were informed, this will be one of your many duties in the future and not something to slack off on” Hana couldn’t help but notice how Kasen glanced at her mother.

Reimu opened her mouth, as if forming a thought, shooting it down, and going with the second one, “It was something that you weren’t ready for… However, given what I’ve heard of your recent… escapades. There is no need to keep you in the dark, listen close Hana. You are to help ensure Gensokyo’s continued survival.”

A cold pit in her stomach was forming, what got everyone so worked up… her mother’s voice was grating, but there was no doubting her intuition nor was it wise to dismiss her words when it came to such things.

Mamizou took a drag from her pipe savoring the smoke before puffing it out into a shape that seemed like… a man riding a cart? Her voice was smooth as usual, “No need to confuse the poor girl further don’t you all think? I don’t exactly thing we have much time to waste, no? Kanako, you’re the most familiar with this, why don’t you explain?”

With a stern voice suiting of a god of the mountain she looked at Hana square in the eyes as she explained, “Hana-san. The matter is simple and what must be done has not changed for decades now, Santa clause must be stopped.”

The details were murky to Hana, she suspected she didn’t get the full story. Essentially some great divine spirit from the outside world was trying to push it’s way into Gensokyo, normally they’d be welcomed without a fuss. However, something about this one was dangerous for a reason Hana didn’t quite understand. What she did understand is that everyone here thought that if he entered and ran amok then he’d spread his ways and attention from something worse… If people knew what was going on, or if he was ever successful in his assault on the barrier then this strange man would somehow bring about the end.

He was supposedly powerful, despite that Hana had never heard of this being aside from the ruse Seiga does every year or a few old stories she heard her father talk of long ago. She wasn’t surprised he was real, but that he was evil for giving gifts to kids? She didn’t know the full story, but that his minions were allowed to complete their work unimpeded and that they didn’t interfere with the supposed ‘holiday cheer’ seemed to be a requirement if he was to obey spell card rules.

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