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>> No.46134682 [View]
File: 445 KB, 1928x1700, __yakumo_yukari_and_yasaka_kanako_touhou_drawn_by_suwaneko__4cd9abbe771ebc086bf47148abbafd4b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

(Part 12)
Full of starch and protein, Yuuka and Anon let the almost-natural sunlight seep into their bones. As she considered nodding off, the gardener looked to Anon and saw his hand was completely defenseless. If she started holding it now, maybe she’d be able to make the ten minutes before Class H. While he was asleep, she could confess her love, kiss him, then when he woke up, offer him a chocolate. She could finally protect him from Yukari.

The moment she touched his shoulder, the bell rang and Anon woke up. “Ahhh. Thanks for keeping me company, Yuuka. I have to head to class now.” As Anon got up and gathered his belongings, Yuuka’s chance began to walk away.
“Wait, you have Class H, right? We can walk there together!” Yuuka was tugging on Anon’s sleeve. He likely didn’t have a choice to say no in this matter.

“Sure thing. I think it’s just down the stairs and to the right? It’s weird the Discipline Committee's office is so close to it. I’m guessing the students are supposed to be either the worst behaved or the most mature.”

“They’re both.” Yuuka sounded certain of herself. The short walk down to the classroom was interrupted by a woman with purple hair and the tightest fit into a seifuku Anon had ever seen.

“Anon! There you are! Come, you need to head to the Discipline office immediately! I’ll escort you there.” Kanako reached to grab Anon before being intercepted by Yuuka’s grasp.

“Why? He hasn’t done anything wrong.” The threat in Yuuka’s voice was obvious for anyone to hear. Students heading down the hallways quickly reversed their paths.

“He got the headmistress drunk on campus. I think it would work out best for him he ‘confessed’ and ‘stayed’ at the office for Shikieiki to decide his punishment now, or else the consequences later might be worse.” A second conversation was happening over Anon’s head. Nobody was being honest with him:—not even Kanako! She never set foot once in the HSE! Yet just like Sanae and everyone else, she was part of some bigger plot only he was ignorant to!

“Is this another Valentine’s Day thing? If it is, I’d rather just sit through class. It can’t be worse than the rest of my day.” The second he reached for the door handle, the united might of the Goddess of Wind and Rain and the Master of Four Seasons started pulling him down the corridor. “Hey, what gives?!”

“Are you really looking out for his best interests? With an outfit like that, I wouldn’t doubt for a second you have chocolate stashed away in that room!” Yuuka’s scathing accusations didn’t affect her grip.

“Yes, she just found out about a hidden clause from one of the workers—A Myouren monk. As long as he lasts until the end of school, he’s golden! And th-this is a perfectly fine uniform! I only made cookies last night because Sanae might need a second batch! I’m just here to make sure she’s doing okay back in school!” Even if he wasn’t sure exactly what the topic was, Anon could tell Kanako was being less than truthful.

“If you really want me to go, maybe you could ask me instead of forcing me!” Indignant and frustrated, Anon lashed out at the pair. He was done being strung along! All day long, girls were passing him around like a doll and this school a dollhouse! And damn it, they kept pressing their tits against him like he was a cold, emotionless sage! He was at his breaking point!

The door to Class H slammed open. From the open doorway, a young girl about Anon’s age strutted towards him. His eyes were focused on her golden locks and delicate features. She had the mien of a princess. No, an empress. In a word, she was enchanting.

“Now now, ladies. Are you trying to keep Anon from getting to class on time?” The two ladies exchanged rough looks before letting their captive go. As Anon walked closer to the new girl, they walked close behind him. Yet, Anon didn’t notice. All he could focus on was the beautiful girl in front of him.

“Th-thanks for the help. I don’t think we’ve met before. If you don’t mind me asking, what’s your name?”

“Fu-fu.” A jolt of panic raced through Anon’s spine as the familiar laugh pierced his ears and her lips cracked a dangerous grin. “You may call me Merry, Anon.” As soon as it came, his fear faded under her silken voice. “Excuse me for just a moment.” ‘Merry’ pulled out her phone and quickly began typing. After a chime came from Yuuka and Kanako, Merry didn’t put her phone away. Instead, she showed the screen directly to Anon. A series of red and blue flashes enveloped his vision. Then, he was gone.
This bitch…!

5. No interrupting other people’s confessions unless they’ve been rejected

“Now, Anon, come join me in front of the class so they may see us both and shudder!” Silently, Anon followed her. Yukari wasn’t even pretending anymore. She cheated, and she won.

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