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/jp/ - Otaku Culture


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>> No.9570422 [DELETED]  [View]
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Autistic son makes connection with Facebook

>Many fellow autism mums began urging me to get Nat an iPad, saying he could communicate through it. I was reluctant because I thought that Nat just could not link the concept of computer activity with speaking. He had never played video games, and he showed little interest in using the computer to learn. He did type the occasional e-mail, with heavy support from his teachers, but he did not seem to enjoy it.

>One recent afternoon we weren't doing much; I was online, checking email and Facebook. For no particular reason, I called Nat over to look at my Facebook page. He must have been bored, for he came right away. He seemed fascinated with the little thumbnail images of all the people I know - many of whom he knows as well. An idea began to bloom.

>"Hey, Nat," I said, "you want to type on my Facebook page here?" To my surprise, he answered yes. I had no idea what to expect and sat back while Nat's finger hovered over the keyboard, his thoughts slowly coalescing into words. He'd finally shout one out and I'd say, "OK, type that!" Then he'd sound it out, using the invented spelling of kindergartners - but this was anything but babyish.

>Seeing Nat's words on the screen felt miraculous. One of the first things he typed was - not surprisingly - "look at pikerts" (look at pictures). I posted a note on my Facebook wall that Nat was typing. Moments later, responses began pouring in. It seemed like all my Facebook friends wanted to talk to Nat. I asked Nat if he wanted to say something back. He typed some responses, "hi" and "how you." I wanted to shout, jump and kiss him all at once but I stopped myself. I had waited many years for communication like this, but my son is also a 22-year-old man. I encouraged him, but quietly, the way he needs it to be.

>> No.9552743 [View]
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Will /jp/ ever come back again? ;_;

>> No.9488881 [View]
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John Moss Threat at Reunion: 'Still Seeking Vengeance' 20 Years After Bullying

>"I was picked on and bullied by a bunch of you when I went to school, and I wanted to kill everyone that hurt me," he reportedly posted on his Facebook page. "I'm still seeking vengeance on all those who bullied and harassed me when I was growing up or went to school. You people do not know what you did to me."

>His classmates, noting the threats, called authorities, who investigated the claims and took Moss into custody before the reunion could take place. Moss had attended the Marshall High School and apparently had such a rough time he threatened he "would have started the Columbine shootings" at graduation 20 years ago.

>Moss faces misdemeanor charges and could serve up to one year in prison if found guilty.

hey /jp/, what was it like to attend a school reunion?

>> No.9416436 [View]
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Two teenage girls have been charged after allegedly torturing a 12-year-old autistic boy in Townsville

>The boy was allegedly kidnapped, tortured and sexually assaulted last Sunday morning by the two girls, aged just 13 and 14, the Townsville Bulletin reports.

>He was riding his bike home after fishing in a creek when he was pulled off and dragged into a house that was under construction, the boy's mother told the newspaper.

>He managed to escape and ran next door where the home owners phoned his mum.


>> No.9379549 [DELETED]  [View]
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Autistic man survives 3-week ordeal in Utah desert

>An autistic man lived on a few frogs he caught and roots as he wandered for weeks in the remote Escalante Desert of southern Utah until being rescued, emaciated but alive.

>LaFever was trying to get to Page because his father, John LaFever of Colorado Springs, told him he would wire money to him in there, the sheriff's department said in a written release.

>William LaFever had called his father on June 6 or 7 to say he was hiking in the Boulder area with his dog, and that someone had stolen some of his hiking gear and he had run out of money. John LaFever told his son to catch a ride to Page to collect the money.

>Unbeknownst to his father, William LaFever apparently decided to hike down the Escalante River and then hitch a boat ride along Lake Powell to Page, rather than try to catch a ride, the sheriff's department said.

>LaFever set out along the river but ran out of food. His dog left him, and LaFever began abandoning his gear until all he had was the clothing and shoes he was wearing when he was found, the sheriff's department said.

>The dog hasn't been seen since. Authorities do not know why the dog ran off, Bronson said.

>> No.9378251 [View]
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Autistic man survives 3-week ordeal in Utah desert

>An autistic man lived on a few frogs he caught and roots as he wandered for weeks in the remote Escalante Desert of southern Utah until being rescued, emaciated but alive.

>LaFever was trying to get to Page because his father, John LaFever of Colorado Springs, told him he would wire money to him in there, the sheriff's department said in a written release.

>William LaFever had called his father on June 6 or 7 to say he was hiking in the Boulder area with his dog, and that someone had stolen some of his hiking gear and he had run out of money. John LaFever told his son to catch a ride to Page to collect the money.

>Unbeknownst to his father, William LaFever apparently decided to hike down the Escalante River and then hitch a boat ride along Lake Powell to Page, rather than try to catch a ride, the sheriff's department said.

>LaFever set out along the river but ran out of food. His dog left him, and LaFever began abandoning his gear until all he had was the clothing and shoes he was wearing when he was found, the sheriff's department said.

>The dog hasn't been seen since. Authorities do not know why the dog ran off, Bronson said.

>> No.9330869 [DELETED]  [View]
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52 Hertz: The Loneliest Whale in the World

>For decades now, scientists at the NOAA have been tracking a mysterious whale song that sounds like the ghostly howls of a drowned tuba player. The sounds have been identified as belonging to a single whale, who sings at a frequency unlike any other whale in the world.

>Dubbed "52 Hertz" after the frequency range in which he typically sings, the animal has been called the loneliest whale in the world, since his love songs seem destined to go unanswered. Most other species of baleen whale, such as blue whales and humpbacks, sing at frequencies much lower, between the 15-25 Hertz range.

>Not only does 52 Hertz sing at a much higher frequency, but his calls are also shorter and more frequent than those of other whales. It's as if he speaks his own language-- a language of one. Even stranger, 52 Hertz does not follow the known migration route of any extant baleen whale species. He sings alone and travels alone.

>Although 52 Hertz's exact age is unknown, he continues to survive 20 years after his initial discovery.

>> No.9307295 [View]
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>A questionnaire conducted at a junior high school in Otsu, Shiga Prefecture, immediately after a 13-year-old boy leapt to his death in October last year found that the student was forced to practice killing himself and was told to put a dead sparrow into his mouth, took all his allowance, pee when wearing a school sportswear, naked masturbation in front of everyone

How do you handle theoe situations?

>> No.9298224 [View]
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Dead student forced to rehearse suicide

>A junior high school student who killed himself last year in Shiga Prefecture, western Japan, was apparently forced to practice committing suicide by his classmates.

>The 2nd year junior high school student jumped to death from his family's condominium in October.

>Sources close to the investigation say the suicide rehearsals were mentioned by 15 students in a questionnaire distributed by the school right after the boy died.

>One respondent said the boy was forced to practice committing suicide every day during his lunch break. Another said he was told to rehearse how to take his own life.

>> No.9269831 [DELETED]  [View]
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Cosmology of Kyoto (1995)
>a visual novel
>very japanese culture
>deep theme
>kinda hipster and obscate

why haven't /jp/ ever talked about this game before?

shame on you /jp/, even Kotaku had a better taste than you

>> No.9200549 [DELETED]  [View]
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American ISPs to launch massive copyright spying scheme on July 12


>If you download potentially copyrighted software, videos or music, your Internet service provider (ISP) has been watching, and they’re coming for you.

>Specifically, they’re coming for you on Thursday, July 12.

Well guys, it's been fun.

>> No.9176885 [DELETED]  [View]
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Japan: Most sex crime victims never seek help

Nearly 70 percent of victims of sex crimes have never sought help, a government report revealed Tuesday.

>The finding indicates many women attempt to deal with the traumatic experiences without seeking help from police, gynecologists, support groups or counselors, the fiscal 2012 crime white paper said.

>According to the annual report, adopted at a Cabinet meeting the same day, 134, or 7.7 percent, of the 1,751 women who gave valid responses to a survey said they had been raped in the past. Of these victims, 91 women, or 67.9 percent, said they have never told anyone about the incidents. The survey was conducted in November and December last year.

>Asked why they kept silent, the largest group, 46.2 percent, said they were "too embarrassed" to talk about the horrible experiences, followed by 22 percent who explained they "did not want to remember." The third biggest reason, selected by 20.9 percent, was, "My life will not change if I speak up."

>On the other hand, 30 of the 38 women who sought advice from others said they were relieved they had done so, with 18.7 percent having consulted with friends and 9.7 percent with immediate family members or other relatives.

>Public institutions including police, nongovernmental groups and medical experts, meanwhile, proved less popular as advisers, with only 4 percent seeking help from such organizations.

>It is likely there are many more unknown rape cases, the white paper pointed out, underscoring the need to create support facilities such as one-stop centers where victims can receive both medical treatment and counseling. The report also called for a training program for staff at such facilities.

Why don't you go to japan

>> No.9128263 [DELETED]  [View]
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>that feel when you realise your entire life is stagnating and everyone around you is finding not only jobs but careers and you have about a million different choices to make and the world wants yout to make them NOW but you just want to curl into a little ball and hide from it all, so you do and the world punishes you for it, and the worst part is there is always a tiny glimmer of hope that keeps you from descending into rampant alcoholism or suicide, and you just wish it would go away so you had some excuse for why your life is going nowhere, but you really dont so you chalk up everything thats going wrong to some problem you have that millions of other people have but are dealing with just fine so its not really an excuse, is it? And you dont have any friends since you left school, but they are still friends with each other, and worse than the hurt, worse than only finding about parties when their smiling faces are uploaded to facebook, is WHY they arent interested in you anymore. It would be better if they didnt like you, but their was just an ambiguous drifting apart and if you just had some reason you could fix it, like it was some part of you but isnt and no one will tell you, so there is nothing to fix, and its just you alone all day and you try to play videogames to take your mind off of it, but every game is the same quality as years ago but shit now because you are drepressed and angry and you cant get lost in anything for too long anymore and you come here to belong to a collective but you dont really belong. You dont belong to anything, and you try to blame it on aspergers and insomnia and bad people skills, but really you are just sad. You are one, sad little kid that everyone wants to be an adult and you cant take it, and being sad makes you sad and you cant stop being sad

>> No.9117162 [View]
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Japanese traditions: Yobai (Night crawling)

>Until quite recently in rural Japan, yobai, or “night crawling” would have been an introduction to sex for many young people. While a young woman slept, a silent intruder would creep into her room, slide behind her and make his intentions known. If she consented, they would have discrete sex until the early morning, when he would have to slip out of the house as stealthily as he had slipped in.

>The young man might be known to the girl and her family. Also, in a seasonal agricultural economy, farmers might have a number of laborers sleeping under their roofs sometimes, knowing that their daughters might be targets for yobai. In some cases, groups of friends would travel miles to neighboring villages, where the embarrassment of capture wouldn’t be as great, and each target a different girl.

References: The Tsuyama massacre
>Mutsuo Toi , a 21-year-old man, killed 30 people, including his grandmother, with a shotgun, Japanese sword, and axe, and seriously injured three others before killing himself with the shotgun. Until the 1982 killing by Woo Bum-kon, this incident was regarded as the world’s worst massacre by an individual

>He took part in "Yobai" or "night-crawling", which involved creeping into young women's beds during the night to seek sexual intercourse.

>From his suicide notes it appears that after May 1937 when he was diagnosed as suffering from tuberculosis, the young women in the village rejected his sexual advances.

>> No.9069447 [DELETED]  [View]
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>> No.9013701 [DELETED]  [View]
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1 in 3 Autistic Young Adults Lack Jobs, Education

>One in 3 young adults with autism have no paid job experience, college or technical schooling nearly seven years after high school graduation, a study finds. That's a poorer showing than those with other disabilities including those who are mentally disabled, the researchers said.

>With roughly half a million autistic kids reaching adulthood in the next decade, experts say it's an issue policymakers urgently need to address.

Read more

>> No.8987869 [DELETED]  [View]
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Over-sharing on social media is just like sex, experts say

>Scientists have discovered why it's so easy to overshare on social media, and it's a very simple explanation: It's just so rewarding. Or, at least, that's what our brains think, sending out the same signals as they do when we're having sex.

>It turns out, there’s a reason why people love to talk about themselves so much on Twitter, Facebook and other social media – And, no, cynics, it’s not just because that’s what everyone thinks those services are there for. A new study from the Harvard Social Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience Lab has discovered that it feels really good when we share information about ourselves, in the same way that it feels really good when we have sex. Suddenly, that Pinterest site you were thinking about setting up about yourself feels a little creepy, doesn’t it…?

>Studies have shown that 80 percent of the average user’s social media posts – and 30-40 percent of the average person’s speech output each day, for that matter – consist of self-disclosure, leading scientists to consider just why we’re all so convinced with talking about ourselves.

Read more: http://www.digitaltrends.com/social-media/over-sharing-on-social-media-is-just-like-sex-experts-say/

>> No.8987808 [DELETED]  [View]
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Over-sharing on social media is just like sex, experts say

>Scientists have discovered why it's so easy to overshare on social media, and it's a very simple explanation: It's just so rewarding. Or, at least, that's what our brains think, sending out the same signals as they do when we're having sex.

>It turns out, there’s a reason why people love to talk about themselves so much on Twitter, Facebook and other social media – And, no, cynics, it’s not just because that’s what everyone thinks those services are there for. A new study from the Harvard Social Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience Lab has discovered that it feels really good when we share information about ourselves, in the same way that it feels really good when we have sex. Suddenly, that Pinterest site you were thinking about setting up about yourself feels a little creepy, doesn’t it…?

>Studies have shown that 80 percent of the average user’s social media posts – and 30-40 percent of the average person’s speech output each day, for that matter – consist of self-disclosure, leading scientists to consider just why we’re all so convinced with talking about ourselves.

Read more: http://www.digitaltrends.com/social-media/over-sharing-on-social-media-is-just-like-sex-experts-say/

>> No.8960985 [View]
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More Teen Girls Postponing Sex

>The proportion of teenage girls who have started having sex has gone down since the mid-1990s, according to the CDC.

>From 2006 to 2010, 57% of girls ages 15 to 19 said they had never had vaginal intercourse, up from 49% in 1995, Crystal Pirtle Tyler, PhD, of the agency's Division of Reproductive Health, and colleagues reported in the May 4 issue of Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report.

>And those girls who were sexually active became more likely to use effective contraception: About 60% reported current use of highly effective contraceptive methods, including intrauterine devices or hormonal methods with or without a condom. That was an increase from 47% in 1995.

>Both trends have likely contributed to the continuing decline in the teen birth rate in the U.S., which was 34.3 births per 1,000 females in 2010, a relative 44% lower than the rate in 1990.

>> No.8950509 [View]
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How cynical are you?

>> No.8930030 [View]
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Prospect of 'autism drug' raised after early tests

>They tested a drug, GRN-529, which interferes with the chemical glutamate, which helps two brain cells talk to each other. Mice with "autistic behaviours" - this is not the same as mice actually having autism - were used.

>"Autistic mice" are less social and communicate less with other mice. They also spend huge periods of time repetitively grooming themselves. After the injection the mice spent less time grooming and also showed improvements in social levels.

>The researchers said their findings "raise the possibility" that a drug could be used in autism.

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