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"Hey~" Reimu mumbled in an almost sing-song voice. She was lying to the left, her arm draped over Yamame's leg. Yamame was snuggled up to my chest with her arm wrapped over me. Reimu had laid her whole body over both Yamame and I. "I'm really happy for you guys~" She said. Her eyes were drooped shut, and she looked moments from falling asleep. Kuro the cat was curled up by my side where Reimu's other arm was idly stroking her. "You're just - So~ Cute together..." I heard the clink of two bottles rolling into each other and lazily tried to reach up toward them, only to lose the energy after a moment and give up. We'd dozed off at some point.

After we'd found Reimu drinking alone, we'd joined in, though Reimu was already more than happy to drink far more than either of us combined. I had a feeling that she was probably more than a little upset about having to come and break up Lady Hecatia and Miss Yuuka's confrontation. Especially since it had distracted her from arguing about something with Marisa, and by the time she'd got back, Marisa and Tenshi had decided to go and look at the stalls. I felt really bad about what seemed to be becoming more and more of a common occurrence: Reimu left on her own. Before I'd gotten involved in her life, she'd had friends around constantly, and by this point, a lot of them seemed to have other things to occupy themselves with. Marisa and Tenshi. Lady Kasen and Raki. Hearn was apparently gone until Spring. I was her new brother, but...It seemed like my involvement might have made her worse off overall.

"Reimu...You're drunk..." Yamame mumbled into my chest. "You're cute too..." My spider seemed a little sleepy, but not too drunk. That was probably a good thing, because I was still determined to propose, and proposing to someone who was blind drunk or terribly hungover didn't seem very romantic. Still, I reassured Reimu that I thought she was cute as well. "And you don't tease me like Ki does..." Ki did do a lot of that, I thought. I did a little bit too, but it was mostly the hair. Reimu didn't really respond. "Reimu...? Did she fall asleep?" The last question was directed toward me. I thought about trying to check, but the prospect of lifting my head enough to see seemed very daunting. Once we'd reached the part where we were all lying down like this, nearly all of my energy had fled, and it was hard enough to just keep myself from falling asleep. "I think she-"

"I'm awake..." Reimu mumbled. "I wish I had someone like you two have each other." She said quietly. This time, I did raise my head. She was definitely drunk, and definitely not really on point, but she was still speaking. "It seems - Um, really nice. Comforting." She let her head drop. "Dunno if I'll ever find anyone like that..." I reached down to pat Reimu on the head and tell her that she always had me. "Thanks..." She mumbled. "Seems like I don't see that many people around here anymore..." She sighed heavily. "Kinda miss it." But she'd gotten so many people to the Shrine tonight, hadn't she? That was good, wasn't it? "Yeah, but...Doesn't last." I looked over at Yamame, who frowned at me. I wasn't exactly a matchmaker, and I couldn't force people to go and visit Reimu. "Love like that must be nice." She said, before her body dropped limp against Yamame and I. After a moment, the slow rise and fall of her chest indicated that she'd fallen asleep.

Idly, I turned my head to Yamame and asked her if she knew anyone who'd love to date the Hakurei Shrine Maiden. "Very funny." She muttered, slapping me on the arm. "Most of the men I know are oni and I can't imagine they'd get on terribly well with Reimu. Even if they didn't annoy her enough to try and beat them to death." That...Could happen. Especially if they weren't nice to her. Reimu responded well to being treated like a princess, even if she acted like she didn't. She'd always been very pleased when I'd carried her around, despite her claims to the contrary. She'd definitely been happy when I'd washed her hair in the bathroom, too. All that to say, I wasn't sure anyone that Yamame knew would be the kind of person who could successfully woo Reimu. I didn't think that anyone I knew could do it, either. Perhaps that villager I'd spoken to earlier, but he seemed very pre-occupied with helping out Miss Seiran, and before that, he'd tried to talk to Kisami.

No, I didn't think it was an issue I could resolve any time soon, except for making sure I spent plenty of time with Reimu. Of course, I was perfectly happy to do that. But perhaps not while I was starting to lose feeling in my arms and legs because she was currently a dead weight on my body. Judging from the look on Yamame's face, she was just as much of a dead weight on Yamame's body. I pondered. How were we going to shift Reimu off of our bodies without waking her back up, especially since I knew from painful experience that she was very much not a fan of being woken up.

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